Top 10 Easy Backyard Ideas For Entertaining

June 11th, 2024

sunflower path in a backyardWho cares if you can’t afford an ultra-expensive backyard remodel? These ideas can transform an average backyard into a space Martha Stewart would be proud of!

1. Use rope lighting to line your garden.

Pick up some rope lighting at Home Depot or Lowes and install it around your garden for a sophisticated touch. It also helps people see at night so they don’t trip over your brick lining or anything else.

2. Set up pool noodles in the yard for a game of kickball croquet.

Need quick ideas on how to entertain the kids? Just get some pool noodles, bend them to make arches and secure them into the ground. Pull out some rubber balls and have the kids play kickball croquet!

TIP: If you’ve just installed fresh Tucson sod, you’ll want to avoid causing damage to the lawn with the pool noodles. Hold off on this game until your lawn has had time to set and anchor fully to the ground.

3. Repurpose your tree stumps.

Make an outdoor table by adding a tabletop to one of your tree stumps. You can also transform old trunks into plant pots. Just fill with soil, plant with flowers, and voila! You’ve recycled your tree stumps.

4. Grow a sunflower house for the kids to play in.

Plant sunflower seeds in a circle so that when they grow up they make a sunflower house that can be used for playtime or quiet time.

5. Don’t have a pool? Make a splash pad out of tarp and sprinklers.

This is a super easy and affordable solution to those hot summer days without a pool. Just throw down a large tarp, get some of those rotating, removable sprinklers, and turn them on to make a fun splash pad that will keep the kids entertained for hours.

6. Turn an old chair into a swing.

Cut off the legs, attach some sturdy chains and hang from a tree to create a backyard swing!

7. Put diapers in the bottom of your potted plants.

This trick helps the plants retain moisture and will keep them fresh longer. Just make sure you cover the diapers with burlap or some other material so that they are not visible from the outside.

8. Create a nighttime lawn bowling party by breaking glow sticks into bottles of water.

You’ll definitely want to avoid using carbonated beverages here, for obvious reasons. Use a rubber ball as the bowling ball and recruit one person to help fix the pins after every person takes their turn.

9. Spray paint metal folding chairs for backyard entertaining.

Turn cheap metal chairs into worthy furniture by spray painting them your favorite color. If you’re hosting a holiday party you can also spray paint them festive holiday colors.

10. Short on fertilizer? Use Epsom salts on your garden.

This is a well-known secret among green-thumbs. You will want to use 2 tablespoons of salt per gallon for potted plants and then use it instead of watering at least once a month. You can also sprinkle the salt into the soil before planting seeds.

TIP: Do not use Epson salts on your Tucson sod lawn. While this trick works well for smaller plants and shrubs, it should not be used on an entire sod yard. Leave the lawn maintenance and lawn installations up to the professionals. Got any questions on how to care for your lawn? Contact one of our Tucson sod specialists today at (602) 626-9959 or visit /.

How to Create a Bird-Friendly Backyard in Arizona

June 11th, 2024

Arizona is rightly recognized as one of the prime bird watching spots in America. You may wonder how to attract birds to your yard so that you can enjoy the company of our humble house finch or more exotic feathered friends like Gila Woodpeckers. The secret of how to attract birds to your yard is to provide variety, ample cover, and water.

bird friendly backyard


With the wide array of Arizona birds searching for their next meal, finding out how to attract birds to your yard means giving them a buffet of favorite seeds:

  • Ground feeders – beloved by doves, juncos, towhees and goldfinches, these screened trays sit a few inches off the desert floor
  • Sunflower-seed tube feeders – installed at least five feet above ground level, these attract chickadees, house finches, nuthatches, siskins and titmice
  • Suet feeders – best for Tucson’s chillier weather (when insect populations drop), suet gets rancid above 80 degrees, but is enjoyed by chickadees, nuthatches, titmice and woodpeckers
  • Hopper feeders – larger birds with big appetites go for high feeders loaded with mixed seed for cardinals, grackles and the red-winged blackbird
  • Nyjer feeders – thistle seed is dispensed from the very tiny holes of nyjer seed feeders to small-beaked birds (goldfinches, pine siskins, redpolls).

Location of your feeders is important. Birds get skittish and will bypass your feeders if they have to fly through too large an open area to get to food.

Spread your feeders out across your yard, too, so that no one feeder gets crowded. This also simplifies your bird watching, making the comings and goings of these feathered friends more enjoyable.

Ample Cover

Cover for birds means places they can alight, check out the safety of the space ahead, and then fly in for a meal. They need foliage from ground to tree height.

Cover is important too, to prevent predators from selecting your yard as their prime hunting grounds. Bird feeders attract unwanted attention from disease-bearing omnivores.


After you know how to attract birds to your yard, you must learn to prevent these pests and predators:

  • javelinas
  • wood rats
  • mice
  • insects

For more on this, check out our article: 7 Tips for Natural Garden Insect Control

Birds are messy eaters. Keeping your lawn or desert floor tidy will be a challenge, and scavengers such as mice will take advantage of the birds’ sloppy habits, especially if you buy cheap bird seed. Mice and rats will eat anything, so millet in cheap seed becomes their mainstay.

Wash and clean feeders twice a month. This not only discourages pests, but prevents bird diseases from spreading. Water pans and birdbaths should be dumped daily.


You do not have breakfast, lunch or dinner without a beverage, and neither should your birds. Provide bird baths and water pans at various heights so they can groom and drink. Disinfect pans and baths with a solution of 10 percent bleach to 90 percent water, scrub the pans, and rinse thoroughly.


Certain birds prefer certain altitudes, so provide variety in both feeders and water sources:

  • Ground: many birds only eat when on the desert floor or on your lawn
  • Low: from about a foot above the lawn to about three feet
  • High: from about four feet up and higher


You can balance a clean, tidy yard with bird feeding:

  • Careful maintenance: daily water source cleaning gives you an opportunity to monitor the bird feeding area
  • Resilient landscaping: plant species that attract birds and can hide the buildup of seed litter easily. If you prefer a lawn, keep grass cut very short near the bird feeding areas to make cleanup of the seed casings easy (this also reduces rodent issues).

Once you know how to attract birds to your yard, you are taking the first steps to a delightful hobby.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Caring for Your New Sod Lawn

June 11th, 2024

So, you have just installed a fresh new sod lawn. That’s great! Now what do you do?

Your Arizona sod lawn requires proper care, maintenance, and upkeep if you want to see it grow into the lush and healthy image you have in your head. These post-installation tips should help get you on your way to a happy lawn:

0 to 10 Days

  • Water for 2-3 times per day for 5-10. Mid-summer may require watering 4-5 times per day.
  • Check your moisture level by pulling back the corner of the sod in several places across your lawn to ensure that the water is penetrating through the sod into the soil.
  • Increase frequency or length of watering if your moisture tests reveal dry soil.
  • Keep non-essential foot traffic off your lawn, and walk on it only to move the sprinklers and perform essential maintenance.
  • Use a new lawn starter fertilizer before you install your sod
  • Do not mow your lawn.

10 to 21 Days

  • Water daily for 10-30 minutes to encourage root growth deep into the soil. (every sprinkler system is different)
  • Perform moisture level checks frequently, but do not force the sod if it’s difficult to pull up. Resistance means the lawn is rooting well. If it’s easy to pull up, you may need to increase your watering.
  • Cut the grass before watering, but do not go remove more than 30% of the leaf at one time. If you grass is 3 inches tall, don’t mow below 2 inches. If it is 1.5 inches, don’t mow below 1 inch.
  • If your grass is too wet to cut, skip watering for a day to let the water absorb into the sod and soil, then check it again tomorrow. If it’s dry, proceed with your normal mowing regimen.
  • Do not fertilize your lawn.

3 Weeks Going Forward

  • Cut the lawn as needed.
  • Water two to three times per week, applying 1″ of water weekly.
  • Measure your irrigation by using a small container (such as a pie tin) right in the path of the sprinkler. Use this equation to compute your total water: Amount of water (in inches) x number of times you water weekly to total 1″
  • Apply a balanced turf fertilizer 3:1:2) six weeks after installation using a rotary spreader.
  • Avoid herbicides when it’s hot and dry and wait until cooler temperatures are prevalent.

Tips, Tricks, and Helpful Hints

  • While your new Arizona sod lawn is still within its initial establishment period, keep non-essential foot traffic away from your turf. People should only be walking on your lawn when they’re moving the sprinklers or performing other essential maintenance tasks.
  • You’ll know you need to apply more water if the edges can be easily separated. This means the sod is shrinking and pulling apart within its structure.
  • Water early in the evenings at the latest to avoid prolonged periods of wetness, which can make your new Arizona sod lawn susceptible to diseases.
  • Your new Arizona sod lawn requires special attention where it’s placed against paved and concrete surfaces. Our climate’s hot temperatures and scorching sun will literally bake fresh sod when it’s against hot surfaces, so be sure to provide extra attention and water well where the pavement meets the grass blades.

Still trying to decide which Arizona sod lawn will fit your home and lifestyle best? Check out our Evergreen Turf Lawn Selector to help you make a well-informed decision.

Summer Lawn Care Checklist

June 11th, 2024

arizona sod summer lawn care

Phoenix, Arizona is consistently ranked as the hottest city in the United States, with more than 100 days out of the year reaching temperatures above 99 degrees Fahrenheit. With the hot summer months upon us, it’s important for you to take care of your lawn, unless you want a nice dirt lot come fall.

To help you out, we’ve put together this summer lawn care checklist!

Trim trees and shrubs away from home, including roof

Plant drought-tolerant plants in sunny areas

Perennials typically grow well in the sun as well as a few others. Check out our article on the top 5 southwest plants with the prettiest blooms for more ideas on what to plant in your yard.

Watch out for grubs

These pests feed on your grass roots. Check for grubs by pulling back a small section of the sod. Look for the small, white little grub worms. If you see more than a handful of them per square foot, you need to treat your lawn with pesticide.

Set your mower blade height to 3 inches

Cut your grass too short and you risk burnout, especially in the hot, arid Arizona climate.

Mow frequently

Grass grows pretty fast in the summer, so you’ll want to be sure your mowing often and not taking off more than 1/3 of the blade each time you mow.

Pull weeds

Weeds are tough, and some may have survived past your spring lawn herbicide treatment. Get out your garden fork and just pull out any remaining weed in your lawn.

Water deeply only a few times per week

This promotes deep root growth.

Remove large clumps of grass clippings, twigs, leaves, and debris

Prevent scorpions by planting lavender and moving woodpiles

If you notice these creepy bugs in your yard, it’s best to manage the problem by spraying them with scorpion killer. Wait until it’s dark when they are most active, use a black light to find them, and spray them thoroughly to get rid of the problem.

Prepare for fall plantings

Fall gardening starts in the summer, at least the prep work. Start buying your favorite fall plants in the summer for use in the fall. For more, see our article on 5 plants and trees that grow well in the fall as well as our article on how to prepare for fall vegetable gardening.

As a final tip, make sure you are keeping your family safe this summer. Install pool fences if you have small children or pets who can’t swim. Keep herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides out of children’s reach.

Follow this summer lawn care checklist and you’ll have the best yard on the block!

Have a specific question about your lawn? Give us a call at (602) 626-9959 today.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Summer Lawn Care Watering Tips

June 11th, 2024

summer lawn care

Check out these summer lawn care watering tips to help you keep your yard in tip-top shape through summer.

1. Water during the cool morning hours.

This helps to minimize evaporation. Do not water at night as this can promote disease.

2. Water your lawn every three days.

This can vary slightly depending on how well established your lawn is. If you have a fairly new lawn you may still need to water daily until it becomes more rooted. But if your lawn is a standard, well-established lawn then every three days should do it.

3. Adjust sprinkler heads to span the entire yard.

Most of the issues homeowners encounter with their lawn has to do with the sprinklers. Make sure your sprinklers are situated properly so that they span the entire lawn, leaving no patches dry or over-soaked.

4. Make sure nothing is blocking the sprinkler heads.

Check each and every sprinkler head to make sure it is set in line with the lawn and there is nothing blocking the water stream.

5. Hand water dry areas.

Rather than applying extra water to the entire lawn, simply hand water dry patches until they start to gain moisture levels comparable to the rest of the lawn.

6. Replace any damaged sprinklers immediately.

Check your sprinklers at least every couple of weeks for damage and replace accordingly. Ask your guests and children to tread lightly around the sprinkler heads to avoid excess damage.

7. Reduce watering when it has rained.

During monsoon season and other periods of heavy rain, be sure to adjust your watering schedule. Check for signs of overwatering such as puddles and discoloration. If needed, stop watering all together until the rain has cleared.

8. Water shaded areas about 30% less than sunny areas.

Shaded areas need less water than sunny areas since the shade helps the soil retain more water than sunny spots. Note that no type of sod can tolerate 100% shade. So while it might be tempting to throw up shade sails all over your yard to combat the hot Arizona summer months, this is not recommended.

9. If your yard runs at a slope, make sure you have an irrigation system in place.

Proper irrigation is essential for overall lawn health. So if needed, install an irrigation system to allow water runoff from your lawn. If you don’t feel confident doing this on your own, it’s best to hire a contractor to do this for you.

For more information on summer lawn care and watering tips, check out our page Lawn Care – Summer Health.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Five Types of Fertilizer

April 16th, 2024

All plants need fertilizer just like they need sunlight and water. Think of fertilizers as healthy supplements for plants. Just like people take vitamins and supplements to achieve optimum health, soil often needs help via fertilizers to be able to give the plants everything they need nutritionally. This helps the plants achieve optimum growth and yield.

Whether you’re working in your garden or trying to get a fresh green lawn all year round, fertilizer can help you get the most out of your plants. Here is a breakdown of the five major types of fertilizer.

Fertilizer with Pesticide

This type of fertilizer is most commonly used when you need to protect your lawn or plants from pests that may damage them. When looking for fertilizer with pesticide, make sure the pesticide is not too strong, otherwise you risk killing your plants too.

Products to look for: Bayer, Jobes, Scotts

Time release fertilizer

If you’re looking for fertilizer that will work for several months, time-release fertilizer is the way to go. These will slowly release their nutrients over a period of 2-6 months typically. The benefit to time-release fertilizer is that the plants have less risk of getting burned because the plants do not receive a full blast of nutrients. However, it’s important to note that the release of nutrients is accelerated in the presence of water and moisture.

Products to look for: Milorganite

Liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizers are great when you need to quickly deliver nutrients to your plants, since the liquid seeps right into the roots. You need to reapply more frequently than other types of fertilizer since the liquid is quickly used up by the plant. Using liquid fertilizer on large yards may not be economically feasible, but they work great on indoor and outdoor gardens.

Products to look for: Nachurs, Scotts Miracle-Gro

Plant specific fertilizer

Some plants are down-right picky. For these types of plants, it’s easy to over-fertilize using traditional fertilizer products. This is why there are plant-specific fertilizers. These types of fertilizers are specially designed to give the plants the specific ratio of nutrients they need to thrive.

Products to look for: Cutting Edge Solutions

Inorganic fertilizer

Also known as synthetic fertilizer, this type of fertilizer is best for plants that are in dire need of immediate help. Inorganic fertlizers quickly infuse nutrients to plants and instantly produce ammonia as a by-product which malnourished and dying plants need to revive themselves. It’s usually best to keep a stash of inorganic fertilizer around for when you need it most.

Products to look for: Jobes

Each type of fertilizer has its own advantage. Get to know which types of fertilizers work best with your lawn and garden. Keep a healthy stock of fertilizer in your garden shed or garage so you can use them anytime you need. For more information, visit our Lawn Nutrition and Fertilization page.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

How to Streamline Your Back Yard in 4 Easy Steps

April 16th, 2024

Phoenix homeowners are blessed with year-round sunny weather and plenty of outdoor activities to stay entertained with the family on weekends. The great part about having a nice sod yard is that families can spend time having fun with each other outdoors without spending money. Are you thinking of making some improvements in your yard this spring?

Here’s how to streamline your backyard in 4 easy steps:

1. Plant for Impact

Choose some plants to accent your lawn. Stick to just two or three types to keep it clean and simple. Phoenix sod lawns benefit from plant borders and accents as they help retain water for the lawn and reduce the amount of total space needed for fresh grass.

How to save money
Check with your city’s parks and rec department to see if they may have any plants they are planning on throwing out that you can take for free. Making official calls probably won’t get you anywhere, but if you know of an area where the park staff pulls plants on a regular basis, you could swing by and see what they may be willing to donate.

2. Choose trees with full canopies

Get two trees and plant one in each corner of your yard. Choose shapely trees with open and airy, but full canopies. This will provide some shade but also allow your sod lawn to get some sunlight since this is essential for a healthy lawn.

NOTE: No sod grass can tolerate 100% shade. If you have an area that receives no sun, we recommend modifying your landscape to use decorative rock or other vegetation in that space. You may also consider pruning trees and vegetation to provide more sun to the area. For more help, check out our Lawn Selector Tool.

3. Set your sprinklers to span all sod areas

Whether you have 6 ft. or 600 ft. of sod in your Phoenix lawn, it needs to be watered on a regular basis to stay healthy. Many homeowners do not check where the sprinklers are reaching when designing their yard, which leads to dry patches where the sprinklers can’t reach the grass. Check out our irrigation page for more info about watering Phoenix sod.

4. Get matching patio furniture

Patio furniture is one of the most common hand-me-down items that people stock up in their yards. This year, why not splurge on a nice patio set to really create a beautiful backyard for your family. Cover your patio furniture or bring it in to the garage during bad weather to try and maintain the quality over time.

Follow these four easy steps to give your backyard a facelift this spring. Want more help with lawn care? Check out our FAQ’s page or contact us today.

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

Wildlife Control for Tucson Sod Lawns

April 16th, 2024

If you live in the Tucson area, you are familiar with the Arizona desert wildlife that roams the area. For homeowners, these animals can cause devastating damage to your Tucson sod lawn if you do not have fencing around your property. Here’s a look at the most common animals that may visit your Tucson yard and tips on how to keep the animals and your yard safe.


Wild Boars

wild boars

Wild boars, also known as wild hogs, often dig and root holes in Tucson sod lawns and gardens looking for food. These animals feed on roots and small insects like grubs and worms, making your yard the perfect area to search for their next meal.

These animals are dangerous, can bite and carry diseases. It’s best to make sure they do not come into your yard by securing your property with a sturdy fence or wall. If they do enter your yard, it’s best to call in an animal removal team to help take care of the problem.



All skunks are omnivores, and will feed on almost anything, including small rodents, worms, insects, grubs, carrion, fruit, garbage, and pet food left outdoors. They love to live under human structures such as sheds, decks, or crawl spaces.

These animals often have rabies and spray their foul odor to protect themselves from predators. They can spray their scent on unknowing children and dogs, and removing the stench takes a lot of time and patience. The best way to get rid of skunks and ensure they don’t damage your Tucson sod lawn is to trap and remove them, then prevent further infestations by installing exclusion barriers around your property.




Snakes can be attracted to your property for many reasons. If your lawn has a lot of debris and thick plantlife, it will attract snakes. Snakes especially like things they can hide under, such as plywood boards, gaps under concrete, etc. Clean up the clutter around your Tucson sod lawn and trim back any weeds that snakes could use for shelter. If you already have snakes inhabiting your yard, you may need to call a professional to remove them safely, especially if they are venomous.




For more answers to your lawn care questions, check out our FAQ’s page or contact one of our Tucson sod specialists today.

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

How to Aerate Your Lawn & Why You Should

April 16th, 2024

Do you feel like you’re doing everything right, but your lawn still looks discolored? In Arizona, it can be challenging for some folks to maintain a sod lawn due to the extreme heat of the summer and other factors. The solution to your sod woes might be lawn aeration. In Phoenix, aeration should be an integral part of lawn care. Here’s why.

Red grass lawn aerator

Relieve Soil Compaction — Over time, foot traffic and dry periods can compact the soil. Aeration relieves this soil compaction. As a result, water quickly reaches the roots before it evaporates. Therefore, less water is needed. Likewise, fertilizer gets to the roots where it is needed.

Lawn Thatch Reduction — It’s good to allow your grass clippings to settle back into the lawn. The need for nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced 25-30 percent by doing so. The clippings decompose over time, thereby enriching and loosening the soil. However, if you have too many clippings left on your lawn, they can weave themselves into a water and air-resistant mat, known as thatch. Heavy thatch can leave your lawn starved for oxygen. Water sits on the thatch, and too much evaporates before it can soak in and nourish the soil and sod. When you aerate your lawn, soil plugs generated by aeration break down and release micro-organisms. These micro-organisms can speed the breakdown of the remaining thatch, which creates a healthier lawn.

Organic Fertilization — To maximize the benefits of organic-based fertilizers, twice-a-year aeration may be preferable. 60 percent slow-release fertilizers are often the best match for freshly aerated lawns.

By contrast, fertilizers too-high in nitrogen can bring about unhealthy growth patterns. Finally, “weed-and-feed” style fertilizers should be avoided, because they are too potent when delivered directly to the roots of younger seedlings. Weed and Feed can actually kill or disfigure such plants.

Healing the Damage — The heat tolerance of your Arizona grass is actually expanded through the aeration process. Lawns damaged by drought can recover more readily. Aeration allows the direct delivery of water and fertilizer to the roots of weakened turf. Grasses that are dormant in the winter can spring back to life more readily with aeration.

Enhance Disease Resistance — A stronger, healthier lawn is also a more disease-resistant one. Plus, unhealthy organisms tend to thrive in heavily thatched lawns.

Germinating Chambers — Think of those holes created by aeration as little chambers where seedlings can get established in an ideal environment of loose, moist soil. The plugs break down and loose soil drops into the holes, creating an ideal environment for the growth of new grass.

The bottom line is, invest in aeration in the short-term and enjoy water and fertilizer savings in the long-term.

Steps to Aerate Your Lawn

Old lawns with extreme thatch, or lawns with heavy traffic are good candidates for aerification. Aerification is normally performed with a core aerator machine that pulls small “cores” out of the lawn, about a half-inch in diameter. This is a service that can be by a contractor, or you can rent an aerator from a local equipment rental company and do it yourself. For more lawn care tips, check out our lawn care frequently asked questions.

At Evergreen Turf, we grow, sell and install the healthiest sod in Arizona. With proper care, your investment in a sod lawn can pay off in a beautiful and functional lawn for years to come. Aeration can represent one helpful component in a complete lawn care regimen.

Select the perfect sod using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

The Perfect Way to Care for a Home Lawn in Arizona

April 16th, 2024

In Arizona, plenty of homeowners are surely willing to ensure that their lawns are maintained properly. The first step to a beautiful lawn is the perfect foundation. To form the perfect foundation, one must explore the sod (or turf) options available to him or her. Evergreen Turf provides homeowners with those very options.

Firstly, sod in Arizona is used for both home and professional purposes. It forms the foundation of golf courses (both elite course greens and backyard putting greens), football fields, soccer fields and as previously mentioned, home lawns.

Amongst some of the most popular Arizona sods is Midiron. It comes at 0.38 cents per square feet. The colour is darkish green and the density of the grasses is high. It needs low maintenance and hence is perfect for those working five times a week who don’t want to hire a gardener. Most important, it is drought tolerant.

Another option is the Celebration Bermudagrass. It is also drought tolerant and needs less attention. Most importantly, this Arizona grass, which comes in varying degrees of the color green, recovers from damage excellently. It comes at just 0.40 cent per square feet. A similar type of turf which comes in a deeper shade of green at 0.38 cents per square feet is the Tifway 419. It is the most durable kind but it requires high maintenance.

Finally, an expensive and bright green variety called Palmetto St.Augustine can be purchased for 0.76 cents per square feet to start up or renovate an Arizona Lawn. It needs low maintenance and is best in places where there is a shade from the sun. However, it tends to cope well under sunlight too. The color of this sod is one of the most magnificent shades of green which can be found.

Ordering sod at Evergreen Turf can easily be done online or over the phone. The website helps recommend the perfect turf for an Arizona native. Also, a phone number is provided for further questions. The installation costs can also be checked online. The installation costs are certainly not very high. Ordering sod for a lawn less than $4000 square feet equals to a payment of only $500 in installation costs.

Evergreen Turf provides options which go beyond merely providing and installing the turf. Signing up for their email newsletter makes the life of a home lawn gardener much easier. The owner is provided with tips on maintaining the lawn and is given reminders about fertilizing and over-seeding according to the season.

As far as fertilization is concerned, Evergreen Turf does the first step by adding nutrients to the soil before installing the sod. Afterwards, it is up to the homeowner to fertilize the lawn according to growth. Evergreen Turf answers all kinds of fertilizing related questions. The blog on the website of this company meanwhile talks about important aspects of gardening such as the use organic methods as well as water conservation.

The use of organic mulch for example reduces the amount of water which is lost to the atmosphere due to dry desert climate in the summer by 30 percent. A home lawn owner who would like to protect his garden can find out where to get organic mulch simply by using the website.

Finally, why should a prospective buyer choose Evergreen Turf? One of the reasons is that they can trust this company. After all, the University of Arizona chose this company’s turf to form the foundation of their soccer field in Tucson. In Phoenix, the Waste Management Phoenix Open, one of the best golf tournaments to be played in that area, is of course played on Arizona Grass provided by Evergreen Turf.

This company uses the most modern technologies available today, offers turnkey solutions for any problem and has proven experience as shown above. This is also the most helpful sod company in Arizona. Evergreen Turf will provide the customer with endless options as at this company, the beauty of the lawn matters!

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.