7 Tips for Natural Garden Insect Control
Being out in the garden is a great source of happiness for many people. But one of the few things that can quickly turn gardening into a stressful experience is insect problems.
Check out these garden insect control tips and tricks. Nip your garden insect issues in the bud now (pun intended) so you can get back to doing what you love!
Maintain good plant health to prevent insect problems
The plants that are most prone to insect infestations are typically stressed in some way, meaning they are not in their healthiest condition. To prevent insect problems in the first place, it’s best to maintain good plant health. Proper fertilization, watering, and healthy soil are all key in keeping plants healthy.
However, if you do find yourself with a pest problem, the following garden insect control tips can help.
Properly identify the pests that are in your garden
The first step in solving your problem is properly identifying the pests. Here are some of the most common garden insect pests:
- Aphids
- Cabbage maggot
- Caterpillars
- Colorado potato beetle
- Mexican bean beetle
- Flea beetles
- Tarnished plant bug
- Spider mites
Use beneficial bugs for natural garden insect control
Believe it or not, some bugs are actually good for your garden! If you’re looking for natural ways to control insects in your garden, using beneficial bugs is a great way to go. Here are some bugs you can buy or acquire to reduce or eliminate the pests in your garden:
- Ladybeetles
- Green Lacewings
- Praying Mantises
- Assassin Bugs
- Ladybugs
- Flower Flies
- Spiders
- Dragonflies
Eliminate weeds and keep things tidy
Weeds typically aggravate the issue of insects in the garden, since they provide an alternate food source and hiding place for bugs like whiteflies and slugs. You can simply pull the weeds out by hand to help control unwanted insects in your garden. There are also some natural herbicides you can apply.
Along with weed control, keeping your garden and yard clean and free of debris will also help with garden insect control. Do not leave cut tree limbs or plant debris in the garden. Damaged and/or freshly cut plant material tends to attract unwanted insects.
Use sticky traps
Sticky traps can catch all kinds of pests from flies to cockroaches and even some mice. Most products are safe even for indoor use.
Install a physical barrier
Consider installing a screen around your garden if you’re experiencing recurring insect issues. You could also try applying strips of aluminum foil to protect individual plants from migrating insects such as caterpillars.
Use organic pest control spray
Sometimes, you just need to use good old-fashioned spray for proper garden insect control. Luckily there are many organic sprays you can use that won’t harm your family, animals, other plants, or the environment. When you go to pick up your insect spray, just make sure the main active ingredient is one of the following: Spinosad, Bacillus subtilis, Azadirachtin.
Finally, here are some other helpful resources / websites on garden insect control:
The National Gardening Association Pest Control Library
Buglogical Control Systems
We hope these tips help you get rid of those nasty bugs that are destroying your garden once and for all!
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