Archive for the ‘Summer Lawn Care’ Category

Watering Sod: Best Practices to Keep Your Arizona Lawn Green and Healthy

Monday, August 19th, 2024

When you look at some of the most attractive sod lawns in Phoenix, they often have one thing in common; Homeowners choose Bermuda grass more than other species. Bermuda grass hybrids offer a range of options with respect to color, texture and their ability to tolerate drought. A sod variety such as Midiron has a medium-course texture with a blue-green appearance and good drought tolerance. Tifway 419 has very good drought tolerance while Tifgreen 328 produces a lawn with a bright-green color and a well-manicured look. Arizonans can create the best conditions for their lawns to grow strong by watering sod properly.

garden sprinkler watering grass at home backyard

When to Water Sod

The frequency, duration and time of day of your watering sessions is important but you can construct a suitable schedule with ease. For the first two weeks of caring for your newly installed sod, you should water it four to eight times per day in short intervals of five to ten minutes to keep the sod evenly moist. During the third week, water once per day for 15 to 45 minutes, to help train your roots to reach deeper into the soil for water. Sod in Phoenix generally needs about three weeks to establish itself, after which you can settle into a normal watering pattern. Water an established lawn two to three times per week for ten to 25 minutes. Try to water early in the morning or in the evening. During the hottest part of the day, the soil will not have enough time to absorb the water before the sun or the heat causes it to evaporate.

If you notice pools of water forming on your lawn, it may be an indication that you need to level your yard.

Finding Water

Living in a desert community means that you have to think a little creatively about your water sources, including how to reduce water use. Rainwater and recycled household water can supplement your traditional water supply to provide all the water your landscaping needs. Use rain barrels to collect rainwater from your roofs and gutters. A brief shower that yields about ½ inch of rain can fill a 50 to 55 gallon barrel when you position it to collect the runoff from a 2,000 square foot roof. You can use the water directly on your lawn or as part of your comprehensive watering scheme. Gray water is the water that you used in your home from your clothes washer, bathtub, shower or bathroom sink. While it is usually safe to use gray water on your Phoenix sod, it may be easier to use it on shrubs and trees. Arizona regulations do not allow you to use a sprayer to distribute gray water.

Watering Aids

Sprinklers and timers can help make watering sod in Arizona more efficient. Timers allow you to water your lawn, even if you are not home. Timers are particularly helpful in maintaining a watering schedule for your new Arizona sod. Install an in-ground sprinkler system or use portable sprinklers. Whichever system you choose, take care to position the water spray so that you minimize the amount of water that runs down a slope and off the lawn. If you keep the water low to the ground, you reduce slightly the amount of loss due to evaporation.

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

How to Have Year-Round Grass in Arizona

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

A healthy green lawn can seem like an oasis during the hot desert heat. However, having a green lawn year-round in Arizona can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. With a little work and knowledge, you too can have a lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood.

Understanding the Different Types of Grasses

Most Arizona sod in the hottest areas of the state consists of Bermuda grass. This warm-season turf grass is best suited to the heat and will stay green and continue to grow as long as it has enough water. It is a perennial grass, meaning it comes back year after year. Its active season is usually from May to September. When the temperatures start to warm up in May, the Bermuda grass begins to awaken and turn green again once the temperatures remain consistently above the 80 degree range during the day. In September, when the temperatures start to get cooler, Bermuda grasses will begin to turn yellow. While your lawn may look dead, it actually is not, this just means the grass has gone dormant.

If you want to ensure that your lawn is green from October through May until the Bermuda grass becomes active again, you will want to overseed your lawn with Rye grass. This grass is suited to cooler temperatures and will begin to die off in May once the afternoons start to become hotter. However, during the time your Bermuda grass is in dormancy, it will flourish and keep your lawn green until May. The best time to overseed your Arizona sod is through the second week of October through the second week of November.

Proper Water and Feeding of Your Lawn

You would think that with the heat that the Arizona area gets during the summer, it would be impossible to overwater your lawn, but you can damage or kill your lawn with too much water. When watering your lawn less often but deeper is best between watering. You should only water your lawn once every three days during the summer. When you watering, you want to do so that the soil is moist at least eight inches deep.

The best time of day to water your lawn is when it is cool, preferably in the early morning. This helps prevent the water from evaporating away, and will actually help save on your watering costs. Another reason to water in the morning instead of in the evening when the sun goes down is to prevent fungus growth. Fungus can grow and damage your lawn if it stays damp overnight.

Your lawn should only require fertilization two to four times a year to keep it healthy. Do not fertilize your Bermuda grass in the spring until you see new growth. Rye grass should be fertilized during the winter.

Best Time to Address Weeds and Pests is Before They Strike

They say an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. When it comes to keeping your Arizona sod healthy, it is better to be proactive when dealing with weeds and pests than deal with their damage. Be care to use only products that specify they can be used with Bermuda grass to avoid damaging your lawn. Even if you have taken preventive measures, it is still possible for weeds and pests to strike. Watch your lawn for any signs of activity and act promptly.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Get Your Lawn Ready for Summer

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

With the Fourth of July approaching, summer BBQs are about to be in full swing. Is your backyard ready for its busy season? With a little proactive yard maintenance, you’ll be able to enjoy a pristine lawn all summer long. Here’s what you need to know about summer lawn care in Arizona.

Dethatch your lawn

Warm weather grasses like Bermuda grass and paspalum thrive in humidity, yet still require preparation before the desert storms roll in. The best way to maximize the benefits of seasonal weather is to first open up the blades with a power rack. Dethatching machine rentals are easy to operate and cost approximately $40 – $60 depending upon the duration needed. The idea is to decrease the lawn’s volume without digging into the soil. While methods vary, take the foolproof approach by dethatching the lawn from opposite directions and mowing up the remains. Your end goal is to give your grass maximum exposure to sunlight while allowing stolons to take root. While it’s not necessarily catastrophic to skip this step, lawn professionals deem it wasteful as overgrowth will simply sit with nowhere to go until it’s mowed up.

Fertilize and water

As monsoon storms increase the amount of moisture in the air, you want to be cautious not to over water your lawn. Adjust automatic sprinklers to come on twice per week (and up to four during dry spells). Many Arizonans choose to water less frequently—even during long periods of heat—and that’s okay. It comes down to a matter of aesthetics as the grass won’t completely die off. Rather it will go dormant and appear less healthy and green until it’s revived by a consistent watering schedule. Additionally, you might consider giving your lawn a boost by applying fertilizer one to two weeks prior to those storm clouds rolling in. New homeowners should take time to research an appropriate fertilizer and application schedule for their specific grass type.

Tackle the “Honey-Do” List

Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare the rest of your outdoor space for BBQ guests. If you have a large yard, write down a few to-do items and tackle them one weekend at a time. You’ll have enough to worry about in the final days leading up to your party from entertainment to catering; don’t add unnecessary stress. Be mindful of the tasks you tend to put off like cleaning the grill and pulling those pesky weeds that love to take up residence in your front yard. Turn the kids’ chores into a friendly competitive game to motivate them for the summer fun to come.

Waiting until the week of your Fourth of July party to tackle the lawn might seem enticing, but as seasoned procrastinators know, it will turn out to be a bigger headache than it’s worth. Plan ahead for your upcoming BBQ (and other summer events) by marking the calendar and breaking large tasks into smaller, more manageable jobs. All the time spent laboring and sweating under the Arizona sun will be worth it once you crack into your first chilled beer surrounded by friends and family…and one beautifully manicured lawn.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Summer Lawn Care Checklist

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

arizona sod summer lawn care

Phoenix, Arizona is consistently ranked as the hottest city in the United States, with more than 100 days out of the year reaching temperatures above 99 degrees Fahrenheit. With the hot summer months upon us, it’s important for you to take care of your lawn, unless you want a nice dirt lot come fall.

To help you out, we’ve put together this summer lawn care checklist!

Trim trees and shrubs away from home, including roof

Plant drought-tolerant plants in sunny areas

Perennials typically grow well in the sun as well as a few others. Check out our article on the top 5 southwest plants with the prettiest blooms for more ideas on what to plant in your yard.

Watch out for grubs

These pests feed on your grass roots. Check for grubs by pulling back a small section of the sod. Look for the small, white little grub worms. If you see more than a handful of them per square foot, you need to treat your lawn with pesticide.

Set your mower blade height to 3 inches

Cut your grass too short and you risk burnout, especially in the hot, arid Arizona climate.

Mow frequently

Grass grows pretty fast in the summer, so you’ll want to be sure your mowing often and not taking off more than 1/3 of the blade each time you mow.

Pull weeds

Weeds are tough, and some may have survived past your spring lawn herbicide treatment. Get out your garden fork and just pull out any remaining weed in your lawn.

Water deeply only a few times per week

This promotes deep root growth.

Remove large clumps of grass clippings, twigs, leaves, and debris

Prevent scorpions by planting lavender and moving woodpiles

If you notice these creepy bugs in your yard, it’s best to manage the problem by spraying them with scorpion killer. Wait until it’s dark when they are most active, use a black light to find them, and spray them thoroughly to get rid of the problem.

Prepare for fall plantings

Fall gardening starts in the summer, at least the prep work. Start buying your favorite fall plants in the summer for use in the fall. For more, see our article on 5 plants and trees that grow well in the fall as well as our article on how to prepare for fall vegetable gardening.

As a final tip, make sure you are keeping your family safe this summer. Install pool fences if you have small children or pets who can’t swim. Keep herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides out of children’s reach.

Follow this summer lawn care checklist and you’ll have the best yard on the block!

Have a specific question about your lawn? Give us a call at (602) 626-9959 today.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Summer Lawn Care Watering Tips

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

summer lawn care

Check out these summer lawn care watering tips to help you keep your yard in tip-top shape through summer.

1. Water during the cool morning hours.

This helps to minimize evaporation. Do not water at night as this can promote disease.

2. Water your lawn every three days.

This can vary slightly depending on how well established your lawn is. If you have a fairly new lawn you may still need to water daily until it becomes more rooted. But if your lawn is a standard, well-established lawn then every three days should do it.

3. Adjust sprinkler heads to span the entire yard.

Most of the issues homeowners encounter with their lawn has to do with the sprinklers. Make sure your sprinklers are situated properly so that they span the entire lawn, leaving no patches dry or over-soaked.

4. Make sure nothing is blocking the sprinkler heads.

Check each and every sprinkler head to make sure it is set in line with the lawn and there is nothing blocking the water stream.

5. Hand water dry areas.

Rather than applying extra water to the entire lawn, simply hand water dry patches until they start to gain moisture levels comparable to the rest of the lawn.

6. Replace any damaged sprinklers immediately.

Check your sprinklers at least every couple of weeks for damage and replace accordingly. Ask your guests and children to tread lightly around the sprinkler heads to avoid excess damage.

7. Reduce watering when it has rained.

During monsoon season and other periods of heavy rain, be sure to adjust your watering schedule. Check for signs of overwatering such as puddles and discoloration. If needed, stop watering all together until the rain has cleared.

8. Water shaded areas about 30% less than sunny areas.

Shaded areas need less water than sunny areas since the shade helps the soil retain more water than sunny spots. Note that no type of sod can tolerate 100% shade. So while it might be tempting to throw up shade sails all over your yard to combat the hot Arizona summer months, this is not recommended.

9. If your yard runs at a slope, make sure you have an irrigation system in place.

Proper irrigation is essential for overall lawn health. So if needed, install an irrigation system to allow water runoff from your lawn. If you don’t feel confident doing this on your own, it’s best to hire a contractor to do this for you.

For more information on summer lawn care and watering tips, check out our page Lawn Care – Summer Health.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.