Archive for the ‘Lawn Maintenance’ Category

Why and When to Fertilize Your Lawn

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Are you trying to get your lawn and garden in the best shape possible? Then it’s important to understand the process of fertilizing, including why and when to fertilize your lawn and plants.

Feeding your lawn is one of the most important things you can do to keep it in good health and to keep the grass green all year round. Fertilizers help to build a better root system, which in turn helps protect your lawn from extreme heat, cold, drought, foot traffic, and other stress factors.

First of all, keep in mind that every lawn is different depending on where you live, how much sun your lawn gets, and many other factors. You may find you need to tweak your fertilizer schedule depending on your unique lawn needs. But to get started, here are some general tips on when to fertilize your lawn.

Early Spring

February through April – This is the time where your lawn begins to “wake up” from the winter. Fertilizing your lawn during this time strengthens the roots and helps to set it up for success during the heavy growing season. If you have weeds in your lawn, consider using a fertilizer with a pre-emergent in it to control weed growth. If you’re unsure which type of fertilizer to use on your lawn, check out our article on the 5 types of fertilizers.

Late Spring

April through June – During this time of year, your lawn is working hard and using the energy it stored during the winter months. So it’s important to fertilize sometime during the late spring in order to give your lawn the energy it needs to stay healthy during the summer and fall.


June through August – If you live in Arizona like us, summer is the toughest time on home lawns. Not only does the heat take a toll on the lawn, but you also have insects to fight! Fertilizing your lawn in the summer will encourage continued growth so that you still have a lawn in the fall, which is the perfect time for outdoor entertaining in the hot southwestern states.


September through November – Fall brings pleasant weather and ideal conditions back to your lawn. Your lawn is ready for another growth period, and will need nutrients in order to thrive. The increased rainfall, morning dew and cooler evenings of fall create the best environment for a healthy lawn. Apply your fertilizer just before the winter chill hits in order to increase nitrogen storage. This will help create a healthy lawn in the spring next year.

Follow this lawn fertilizer schedule to maintain a healthy lawn all year round. For more tips and information, check out our Lawn Nutrition and Fertilization page.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.


Top 4 Tips for Garden Weed Control

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

landscaped lawn

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting out with gardening, knowing the best ways to control weeds in your garden will save you a lot of time in the long run. Gardening is like therapy for many people, providing stress relief and other benefits. However, for others, the idea of a garden is nice, but they just don’t want to deal with the weeds.

Check out these top 4 tips for lawn and garden weed control. We hope they help you control the weeds in your garden so you can enjoy gardening even more.

1. Install a weed cloth or mulch

Did you know that you can make mulch out of many different materials? Many people use leftover grass clippings or wood chips as mulch. However, you can also use things like newspaper. For adequate garden weed control, you’ll need to apply about a dozen layers of newspaper. Alternatively, shredded paper or cardboard makes even better mulch than flat sheets because it’s easier to spread and stays in place better than layers of newspaper. If you don’t want to deal with mulch, a simple weed cloth works great too.

2. Use a tiller to remove small weeds

If you have a sizable garden, tillers are an easy and effective way to get rid of the small weeds that crop up around your plants. Make sure you plant your herbs and vegetables approximately 12 inches apart so that you can maneuver a tiller easily through each row. Also, frequent tilling is recommended so that you get the weeds while they are young and small. As a tip, you can till every time you mow your lawn to keep a consistent schedule.

3. Use a hoe to remove larger weeds

Sometimes you need to bring out the big guns to get rid of larger weeds that can’t be removed with a tiller alone. Also, if you have a smaller garden, sometimes a tiller is a bit unnecessary, as a hoe is all you need to control weeds in small gardens. Again, just make sure you do it often to prevent major weed growth.

When you are hoeing, make sure you disturb as little soil as possible. The reason for this is to prevent weed seeds from germinating. See, most of the weed seeds are hiding in your soil, and they need sunlight in order to germinate. Some weed seeds only need a couple of seconds of sunlight to germinate. So the more you disturb the soil, the more weed seeds you will cause to germinate and begin to grow.

4. Apply weed preventatives

Check your local home improvement store for weed preventative products you can apply to your lawn. These are designed to stop weeds before they begin to grow. They will not kill existing weeds. One of the more popular products out there is called Preen garden weed preventer. Preen is a fluoride-based herbicide and generally safe to use in vegetable gardens. Whatever product you choose, apply your weed preventative on clean cultivated soil and water it immediately.

These 4 tips will help you control weeds in your garden so you can spend more time smelling the roses and less time pulling weeds!

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and our Spring Transition page for more spring lawn care advice, or give us a call at 602.626.9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Have a specific question about your lawn? Email us at Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Summer Lawn Care Watering Tips

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

summer lawn care

Check out these summer lawn care watering tips to help you keep your yard in tip-top shape through summer.

1. Water during the cool morning hours.

This helps to minimize evaporation. Do not water at night as this can promote disease.

2. Water your lawn every three days.

This can vary slightly depending on how well established your lawn is. If you have a fairly new lawn you may still need to water daily until it becomes more rooted. But if your lawn is a standard, well-established lawn then every three days should do it.

3. Adjust sprinkler heads to span the entire yard.

Most of the issues homeowners encounter with their lawn has to do with the sprinklers. Make sure your sprinklers are situated properly so that they span the entire lawn, leaving no patches dry or over-soaked.

4. Make sure nothing is blocking the sprinkler heads.

Check each and every sprinkler head to make sure it is set in line with the lawn and there is nothing blocking the water stream.

5. Hand water dry areas.

Rather than applying extra water to the entire lawn, simply hand water dry patches until they start to gain moisture levels comparable to the rest of the lawn.

6. Replace any damaged sprinklers immediately.

Check your sprinklers at least every couple of weeks for damage and replace accordingly. Ask your guests and children to tread lightly around the sprinkler heads to avoid excess damage.

7. Reduce watering when it has rained.

During monsoon season and other periods of heavy rain, be sure to adjust your watering schedule. Check for signs of overwatering such as puddles and discoloration. If needed, stop watering all together until the rain has cleared.

8. Water shaded areas about 30% less than sunny areas.

Shaded areas need less water than sunny areas since the shade helps the soil retain more water than sunny spots. Note that no type of sod can tolerate 100% shade. So while it might be tempting to throw up shade sails all over your yard to combat the hot Arizona summer months, this is not recommended.

9. If your yard runs at a slope, make sure you have an irrigation system in place.

Proper irrigation is essential for overall lawn health. So if needed, install an irrigation system to allow water runoff from your lawn. If you don’t feel confident doing this on your own, it’s best to hire a contractor to do this for you.

For more information on summer lawn care and watering tips, check out our page Lawn Care – Summer Health.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Five Types of Fertilizer

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

All plants need fertilizer just like they need sunlight and water. Think of fertilizers as healthy supplements for plants. Just like people take vitamins and supplements to achieve optimum health, soil often needs help via fertilizers to be able to give the plants everything they need nutritionally. This helps the plants achieve optimum growth and yield.

Whether you’re working in your garden or trying to get a fresh green lawn all year round, fertilizer can help you get the most out of your plants. Here is a breakdown of the five major types of fertilizer.

Fertilizer with Pesticide

This type of fertilizer is most commonly used when you need to protect your lawn or plants from pests that may damage them. When looking for fertilizer with pesticide, make sure the pesticide is not too strong, otherwise you risk killing your plants too.

Products to look for: Bayer, Jobes, Scotts

Time release fertilizer

If you’re looking for fertilizer that will work for several months, time-release fertilizer is the way to go. These will slowly release their nutrients over a period of 2-6 months typically. The benefit to time-release fertilizer is that the plants have less risk of getting burned because the plants do not receive a full blast of nutrients. However, it’s important to note that the release of nutrients is accelerated in the presence of water and moisture.

Products to look for: Milorganite

Liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizers are great when you need to quickly deliver nutrients to your plants, since the liquid seeps right into the roots. You need to reapply more frequently than other types of fertilizer since the liquid is quickly used up by the plant. Using liquid fertilizer on large yards may not be economically feasible, but they work great on indoor and outdoor gardens.

Products to look for: Nachurs, Scotts Miracle-Gro

Plant specific fertilizer

Some plants are down-right picky. For these types of plants, it’s easy to over-fertilize using traditional fertilizer products. This is why there are plant-specific fertilizers. These types of fertilizers are specially designed to give the plants the specific ratio of nutrients they need to thrive.

Products to look for: Cutting Edge Solutions

Inorganic fertilizer

Also known as synthetic fertilizer, this type of fertilizer is best for plants that are in dire need of immediate help. Inorganic fertlizers quickly infuse nutrients to plants and instantly produce ammonia as a by-product which malnourished and dying plants need to revive themselves. It’s usually best to keep a stash of inorganic fertilizer around for when you need it most.

Products to look for: Jobes

Each type of fertilizer has its own advantage. Get to know which types of fertilizers work best with your lawn and garden. Keep a healthy stock of fertilizer in your garden shed or garage so you can use them anytime you need. For more information, visit our Lawn Nutrition and Fertilization page.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

How to Aerate Your Lawn & Why You Should

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Do you feel like you’re doing everything right, but your lawn still looks discolored? In Arizona, it can be challenging for some folks to maintain a sod lawn due to the extreme heat of the summer and other factors. The solution to your sod woes might be lawn aeration. In Phoenix, aeration should be an integral part of lawn care. Here’s why.

Red grass lawn aerator

Relieve Soil Compaction — Over time, foot traffic and dry periods can compact the soil. Aeration relieves this soil compaction. As a result, water quickly reaches the roots before it evaporates. Therefore, less water is needed. Likewise, fertilizer gets to the roots where it is needed.

Lawn Thatch Reduction — It’s good to allow your grass clippings to settle back into the lawn. The need for nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced 25-30 percent by doing so. The clippings decompose over time, thereby enriching and loosening the soil. However, if you have too many clippings left on your lawn, they can weave themselves into a water and air-resistant mat, known as thatch. Heavy thatch can leave your lawn starved for oxygen. Water sits on the thatch, and too much evaporates before it can soak in and nourish the soil and sod. When you aerate your lawn, soil plugs generated by aeration break down and release micro-organisms. These micro-organisms can speed the breakdown of the remaining thatch, which creates a healthier lawn.

Organic Fertilization — To maximize the benefits of organic-based fertilizers, twice-a-year aeration may be preferable. 60 percent slow-release fertilizers are often the best match for freshly aerated lawns.

By contrast, fertilizers too-high in nitrogen can bring about unhealthy growth patterns. Finally, “weed-and-feed” style fertilizers should be avoided, because they are too potent when delivered directly to the roots of younger seedlings. Weed and Feed can actually kill or disfigure such plants.

Healing the Damage — The heat tolerance of your Arizona grass is actually expanded through the aeration process. Lawns damaged by drought can recover more readily. Aeration allows the direct delivery of water and fertilizer to the roots of weakened turf. Grasses that are dormant in the winter can spring back to life more readily with aeration.

Enhance Disease Resistance — A stronger, healthier lawn is also a more disease-resistant one. Plus, unhealthy organisms tend to thrive in heavily thatched lawns.

Germinating Chambers — Think of those holes created by aeration as little chambers where seedlings can get established in an ideal environment of loose, moist soil. The plugs break down and loose soil drops into the holes, creating an ideal environment for the growth of new grass.

The bottom line is, invest in aeration in the short-term and enjoy water and fertilizer savings in the long-term.

Steps to Aerate Your Lawn

Old lawns with extreme thatch, or lawns with heavy traffic are good candidates for aerification. Aerification is normally performed with a core aerator machine that pulls small “cores” out of the lawn, about a half-inch in diameter. This is a service that can be by a contractor, or you can rent an aerator from a local equipment rental company and do it yourself. For more lawn care tips, check out our lawn care frequently asked questions.

At Evergreen Turf, we grow, sell and install the healthiest sod in Arizona. With proper care, your investment in a sod lawn can pay off in a beautiful and functional lawn for years to come. Aeration can represent one helpful component in a complete lawn care regimen.

Select the perfect sod using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

5 Lawn Care Tips for Spring

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Spring has sprung! The air is warm, the days are long, and people are once again breaking out their lawnmowers to get ready for summer. Homeowners everywhere are stocking up on fertilizer, aerators, garden supplies, and other equipment with a goal of creating a beautiful lush lawn this spring.

If you want a fresh lawn all summer long, it’s best to start with early spring lawn care. During the winter, the pH of your soil can change, creating an unfriendly environment for healthy lawns. Weeds and disease can also pop up during the cold months, so it’s important for you to take the time to properly care for your lawn in the early spring.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #1: Raking

bags of raked leaves

Most Arizona homeowners do not have to wait for the ground to dry out, since most of the state does not see snow during the winter months. However, it’s still important to give your lawn a light raking in the early spring to get rid of any leaves and other debris from the winter months.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #2: Overseeding

tall green grass

Once you’ve raked your yard, you’ll have a better idea of problem areas that need to be addressed. High traffic, dog spots and neglect can all result in bare patches on your lawn. When this happens, you can apply grass seed to fill those bare patches; this is known as “overseeding.” It’s important to note however that overseeding is typically the most successful when done in the fall. So unless your situation is really bad, try to postpone overseeding your lawn until after summer.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #3: Fertilizing

lawn fertilizer

If you’re concerned about using harsh chemical fertilizers on your lawn, you can always use organic compost or mulch instead. But for those who prefer the commercial chemical fertilizers, you can easily find fertilizing schedules to ensure you’re fertilizing your lawn properly. As a tip, it’s best to only use fertilizer lightly in the spring, with heavier doses applied in the fall.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #4: Pull Weeds

weeds growing in a lawn

Again, for those of you who want to take care of your lawn in the most natural way possible, it’s time to get down and dirty and pull out all those weeds that have grown during the winter. If you like a more hands-off approach, you can apply herbicides to kill perennial weeds.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #5: Lawn Mower Tune-up

lawn mower

With just a little bit of TLC, you can ensure your lawn mower and other lawn equipment stays in good condition all year long. Here are some tips you can use to tune up your lawn mower:

  • Remove gasoline
  • Disconnect spark plug
  • Remove the blade and sharpen it
  • Drain the oil
  • Clean all the equipment
  • Refill the oil
  • Replace the spark plug

This is all cheap and easy to do, and will ensure that your lawn equipment works as it should, especially during the spring and summer months when you need it most.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and our Spring Transition page for more spring lawn care advice, or give us a call at 602.626.9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Have a specific question about your lawn? Email us at Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

5 Common Lawn Care Mistakes Every Homeowner Makes

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

Lawn care isn’t as simple as it might seem. Many homeowners learn this fast.

Even if you attempt to stay on top of lawn maintenance, it’s possible your lawn doesn’t look the way you envisioned it. Perhaps this is happening because you’re making one of the following all-too-common (but equally understandable) lawn care errors:

Mowing Your Grass Too Low

Many homeowners assume it’s best to use the mower setting that will cut their grass the shortest. They may believe doing so will serve two purposes: ensuring their lawn looks neat and orderly while also increasing the length of time they can wait before mowing again.

However, mowing your grass too short can prevent it from absorbing nutrients in sunlight and air. The grass will simply have too little surface area. In addition, mowing too low can damage the roots, leaving them more vulnerable to harm.

For most home lawns, at best mowing height is between 1 to 3 inches.  The shorter you maintain your lawn, the more frequently you will need to mow it.  If you want it less than an inch, you will need to mow it twice per week, which can be a lot of work.  Mowing between 1 to 3 inches will be the optimum for sunlight, water, and nutrient use.

Not Sharpening Your Mower Blades

Don’t assume your mower’s blades are sharp enough to cut your grass effectively! Every season, inspect your mower’s blades to determine whether they’ve grown dull after repeated use.

A common sign of dull blades is grass that appears frayed or shredded. If your grass doesn’t look cleanly cut after a mowing session, visit your local hardware store to ask if they can sharpen your mower blades. If you’d prefer to save money, they may also provide the tools for you to sharpen the blades yourself.

Not Adjusting Lawn Care With the Seasons

The right approach to lawn care during one season may not be ideal during another. Naturally, you may know the grass needs more water during certain times of year than others. In addition, it can grow more rapidly during some seasons, which may impact your mowing schedule.

Depending on what type of grass you grow and if you overseed, as winter turns to spring, you might find your current grass can no longer thrive in the warmer weather. You might thus need to transition your lawn to a different type of grass as the seasons change. A lawn care professional can explain the nuances of this process in greater detail.

Making Common Watering Mistakes

More water isn’t always better for your grass. Overwatering can carry nutrients away from the grass, resulting in the same essential consequences as underwatering.

The average lawn needs about 1.5 inches of water per week during the summer, but only a half inch per week during the winter. A lawn care expert can explain how much water your specific lawn may need based on the type of grass you have.

However, providing your lawn with the right amount of water doesn’t always mean you’re watering it correctly. The water needs time to reach the roots. Water long enough to penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.

Choosing the Wrong Type of Grass

An earlier point highlighted the importance of transitioning to a new type of grass as the seasons change. Some homeowners don’t realize they may be using the wrong type of grass for the time of year they’re in.

For example, a sod variety like Midiron may be best for the warmer  months of the year in a climate like Arizona’s. During the winter , you may want to consider overseeding with perennial ryegrass for a dark green color.  One of the new trends for saving water in the winter is to paint your lawn with one of the newly developed pigments that will give your lawn a “real grass” color, without having to mow or water as much.

Speak With a Professional for More Lawn Care Information

The right sod for your lawn, the right schedule for watering, and various other lawn care details can depend on such factors as where you live, what type of visual effect you wish to achieve, and more.

Don’t worry if you make any of these lawn care errors. Homeowners often don’t realize that lawn care is both an art and a science. Fortunately, by coordinating with professionals, you can learn to keep your lawn looking its best for years to come.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional: The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your Lawn Care

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

If you’re a homeowner, staying on top of lawn care lets you feel proud of your home. If you own a business, an attractive lawn can help you make the right impression on potential customers. According to TK Business Magazine, research shows 95% of customers account for a business’s curb appeal when deciding whether to shop there.

Lawn care is important. However, you may not know whether it’s a task you need to handle yourself. Should you outsource your lawn care to professionals instead?

There’s no one answer to this question. You’ll be better able to determine the right option for you when you consider the pros and cons of outsourcing lawn maintenance.

Advantages of Outsourcing Your Lawn Care

The reasons you might consider hiring professionals to maintain your lawn are numerous. Potential benefits of outsourcing lawn care include:

  • Saving time: You might simply be too busy to care for your own lawn. Maintaining a commercial property’s lawn may be particularly time-consuming. Hiring professionals to handle lawn care gives you more freedom to focus on other tasks.
  • Avoiding unnecessary expenses: In some instances, spending money is one of the drawbacks of outsourcing your lawn care. However, it’s also important to consider that proper lawn care may require the use of various tools and equipment. Purchasing, storing, and maintaining that equipment yourself isn’t necessary when you hire professionals.
  • Achieving ideal results: Lawn care professionals may be more likely to achieve ideal results than you are. Someone who maintains lawns for a living knows techniques to ensure your lawn looks its best.

Also consider that you might have minimal experience with lawn care. Hiring professionals may be easier than learning everything you need to know about lawn maintenance.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing Your Lawn Care

Hiring professionals to maintain your lawn is beneficial in many ways. That said, you might have reasons not to outsource your lawn care. They could include:

  • Saving money: As mentioned earlier, outsourcing lawn care may be more cost-effective in the long run. You’ll have to purchase equipment to maintain a lawn on your own. Lawn care can also involve various hidden costs, like costs for specialty products you didn’t know you would need. However, in the short term at least, handling your own lawn care may be more affordable than hiring someone else to.
  • Lack of direct involvement: Some property owners feel the need to directly involve themselves in as many property maintenance tasks as they can. They may feel they can take greater pride in a property when they know they’ve helped to maintain it. If you’re such a person, outsourcing your lawn care might feel unfulfilling.

The extent to which you do or don’t benefit from outsourcing lawn care may also depend on what type of property you own. The larger the property, the more you may consider hiring lawn care professionals.

Understand What Lawn Care Involves

When deciding whether to outsource your lawn care or handle it yourself, it’s important to know what thorough lawn upkeep consists of. Tasks and duties lawn care may involve include:

Consider this when making a decision. Most importantly, don’t stress too much! Lawn care is an ongoing process. If you make the “wrong” decision one time, you can always correct your mistake by making the other decision the next time your lawn requires maintenance.

Contact Arizona Sod Producers and Suppliers

Proper lawn maintenance doesn’t always guarantee an attractive lawn. You also need the right sod for your lawn to look its best.

That’s exactly what we at Evergreen Turf offer. Our Arizona sod producers can offer the perfect option for your property. Contact us online today or call us at (480) 456-1199 to learn more.

Organic Lawn Care: How to Maintain Your Lawn Naturally

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Did you know that it is possible to provide your lawn with what it needs to thrive and be healthy without the use of pesticides, insecticides, and other chemicals?

Organic lawn care is sustainable and green. Literally. It involves the use of alternative solutions for your lawn that are natural and environmentally friendly, yielding luscious green grass. What’s more, it creates a safe space for your entire family (including your pets) to get full enjoyment of your home’s outdoor areas.

Let’s talk about what it takes to make the switch to a healthy, pesticide-free lawn.

Nutrients: The Key to a Green Lawn

A good first step in implementing organic lawn care is to leave the grass clippings behind when you mow. Although it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing lawn care tip, your grass will thank you. These clippings contain nutrients that can be reabsorbed by your lawn if given the opportunity, helping it to blossom.

Without some extra protection from a natural fertilizer, rough periods of heat and stress can lead to its demise, regardless of how many nutritious clippings are left behind.

Take the proactive step to add fertilizer to your lawn that contains ingredients such as:

  • Composted turkey and chicken litter
  • Seaweed
  • Kelp
  • Fish emulsion
  • Rock phosphate
  • Blood meal
  • Cottonseed meal
  • Azomite
  • Ironite

Each has its own contribution and complements one another on the way to creating a lawn that is healthy with a rich green color. For example, the composted litter will increase microbial activity within the soil and help it break down the thatch that’s been left behind. This will allow the nutrients to be absorbed faster.

Azomite and ironite provide micronutrients that give the lawn a burst of color.

Fish emulsion and kelp enhance nitrogen uptake and reduce the impacts of stress. And, blood meal adds slow-release nitrogen whereas cottonseed meal and rock phosphate add phosphorus without harming the environment.

You can seek out a store-bought organic fertilizer option that contains some or all of these things, or create your own so that you know exactly what you are putting on your lawn. Either way, using the right natural fertilizer as part of your organic lawn care can give you fantastic results.

Controlling Weeds Naturally

Unfortunately, as your grass grows, so do weeds. It is best to address these right away before they get out of control and invade the entire yard or threaten any plants. After all, they may be stealing the nutrients from your lawn!

To stick with a natural, organic lawn care routine, you can dismiss weeds by spraying them with vinegar or a combination of vinegar and dish soap. Of course, pulling them is also an effective option, as long as you are careful to pull the root along with it so that they don’t continue to grow.

Getting Rid Bugs and Other Pests Without Insecticide

Bugs and insects love to nestle in your lawn and call it home. And, if allowed, they will continue to grow and expand in population until they are taking up large areas (if not all) of your grass. While you may not want to harm them, you don’t have to give them a free place to stay — especially since they can cause damage to your lawn.

There are natural, eco-friendly steps you can take to deter bugs and other pests from sticking around. For instance, spraying your yard with a batch of water and essential oils can cause the bugs to move out. A few oils to consider for organic lawn care include:

  • Rosemary
  • Cedarwood oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Orange oils

Remember, caring for your lawn naturally is going to require patience. You may have to try a few different oils or a combination to find the right fit for your lawn.

Watering Regularly

Routine lawn care requires water. Yet, organic lawn care means seeking ways to maintain the lawn with as little waste as possible. And this means not using water when you don’t have to.

Monitoring the weather is a great way to know when you don’t have to water your lawn. However, if you reside in certain areas of Arizona, for example, precipitation is low, and rainy days are rare.

Make the most of your efforts by choosing to water your lawn at night. This will reduce the chance of evaporation and allow the ground to soak up most of the water. If you use an irrigation system, set your sprinklers on a timer so that you always water the lawn at the right time and the right duration.


Want to Learn More About Organic Lawn Care?

At Evergreen Turf, we know that good, organic lawn care starts with investing in the right sod.

Contact us online or call us today to learn more.

Mastering Lawn Care: 10 Essential Tips for Beginners in Phoenix, Arizona

Thursday, June 29th, 2023

When it comes to maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn, proper care and attention are key. As a beginner in lawn care, it’s important to understand the essential practices that will help you achieve a lush and vibrant lawn in Phoenix, Arizona. In this article, we will share 10 DIY lawn care tips that are perfect for beginners like you. So, let’s dive in and get started on your journey to a stunning lawn!

  1. Maintain a Regular and Frequent Mowing Schedule

Regular mowing is crucial for maintaining a well-groomed lawn. Instead of cutting the grass too short, opt for a little and often approach. This helps to promote healthy growth and prevents scalping, which can damage your lawn.

  1. Adjust the Lawnmower’s Cutting Height

Adjust the cutting height on your lawnmower to a higher setting. Taller grass blades provide shade to the soil, reducing weed growth and conserving moisture. Additionally, longer grass blades are better able to withstand the intense heat of Phoenix, Arizona.

  1. Keep the Lawn Free of Debris and Clutter

Regularly remove fallen leaves, toys, furniture, and other everyday items from your lawn. These objects can block sunlight and hinder proper air circulation, leading to patchy areas and potential lawn diseases.

Related: How to Repair Dead Spots in Lawn

  1. Provide Regular Nutrient Boosts for Your Lawn

Proper nutrition is vital for a healthy lawn. Invest in a high-quality lawn fertilizer suitable for Phoenix’s climate and apply it according to the recommended schedule. This will provide your grass with essential nutrients and help it thrive.

Related: Why and When to Fertilize Your Lawn

  1. Train Pets to Avoid Using the Lawn as a Restroom

Pet waste can damage your lawn and leave unsightly brown patches. Train your pets to use a designated area and promptly clean up any waste. Regularly rinsing the area with water can also help dilute and minimize the impact of urine.

Related: Tips for Landscaping with Dogs

  1. Enhance Soil Health Through Annual Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn involves creating small holes in the soil to improve water, air, and nutrient penetration. This process helps alleviate soil compaction and promotes healthier root growth. Aim to aerate your lawn at least once a year, preferably during the cooler months.

Related: How to Aerate Your Lawn & Why You Should

  1. Remove Thatch and Moss with Seasonal Scarification

Scarifying is the process of raking or using a scarifying machine to remove dead grass, thatch, and moss from your lawn’s surface. This allows better airflow and prevents disease. Perform scarification once or twice a year to maintain a healthy lawn.

Related: The Best Time to Dethatch Your Lawn

  1. Enhance Your Lawn’s Density with Strategic Overseeding

Overseeding involves spreading new grass seed over existing turf to fill in bare patches and improve the overall density of your lawn. Choose a seed mix suitable for Phoenix’s climate and overseed in the fall  for the best results.

  1. Optimize Sunlight Exposure for a Thriving Lawn

Ensure that your lawn receives the maximum amount of sunlight possible. Trim back overhanging branches and prune nearby shrubs to allow ample sunlight to reach your grass. Sunlight is crucial for photosynthesis and helps your lawn grow strong and healthy.

  1. Persevere Through Unexpected Challenges from Mother Nature

In Phoenix, Arizona, weather conditions can be challenging for lawn care. From scorching heat to occasional droughts, it’s important to adapt and persevere. If your lawn faces setbacks due to weather or other factors, seek advice, make adjustments, and stay committed to your lawn care routine.

Achieving a beautiful lawn in Phoenix, Arizona is within your reach! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, Evergreen Turf is here to support your lawn care journey. Browse our website to explore our high-quality sod options and take the first step toward a lush and vibrant lawn. Invest in your lawn’s future with Evergreen Turf today.

Remember, with the right knowledge and care, your lawn can become the envy of the neighborhood. Implement these 10 DIY lawn care tips, stay consistent, and watch your lawn flourish under the Arizona sun.