Archive for the ‘Water Conservation’ Category

Water Conservation Ideas For Your Phoenix Sod Lawn

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

The intelligent use of water will not only help the environment, it could allow your family to actually enjoy a larger Arizona sod lawn without adding to your water bill. Here are some water conservation ideas:

Customized Water Schedule

sprinkler on a lawn

A careful analysis of the water needs of each species in the yard, including grass species, will allow healthy growth without over-watering. For example, Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Hybrid Bermuda varieties of grass will all have slightly different moisture requirements. The location and the age of Arizona sod will impact its water needs as well.

Water Delivery

Compared to traditional sprinklers, soaker hoses and drip irrigation can use just half the water. Plus, they allow precision delivery onto your Phoenix sod and away from the pavement. With sprinklers, even the most careful use is no match for shifting winds around driveways and walkways.


close up of grass with water droplets on it

Early morning watering will save a great deal of water compared to mid-day watering, due to varying evaporation levels. This is that much more important in arid climates. Once the amount of water needed for your Arizona sod lawn is established, a timer can deliver that water precisely and at the right time of day.

Dry Soil

Drier soil may be more compacted, increasing runoff. If the lawn is drier than usual, consider turning the water off a time or two to allow the water more time to soak into the compacted soil. When dry spells hit, one can allow the lawn to go dormant. Water a dormant lawn just once-a-month, and it will bounce back when the conditions change.

Composting & Mulching

close up of mulch

Once the investment is made in watering plants and grass, water retention becomes the next challenge. Organic materials that are turned into compost allow one to both enrich the soil and to reduce excessive drainage. Composting helps to hold water; mulching helps to keep the water in the soil by reducing evaporation. One could say that a lawn itself represents a form of mulching. It is estimated that sod in Arizona will hold rainfall 600 percent better than a wheat field and 400 percent more effectively than a hay field.

Utilize Runoff Water

Catch runoff from roofs and gutters and use this “free” water to reduce your water bill. The use of creative ways to capture water and to deliver it efficiently to your plants and lawn is a science itself.

Contour Planting

rows of plants on farmland

Just like farmers use contour plowing, a homeowner can use strips of Phoenix sod planted on slopes in specific areas of the yard if the whole yard is not to be sodded. Then, both runoff and erosion can be reduced. Furthermore, the water will nourish the very strips of grass that catch the rainwater.

We at Evergreen Turf are committed to environmental stewardship at every level. Smart water use is a vital part of any landscaping and lawn care effort. We always strive to offer our customers additional ideas as to how they can better conserve water.

For more Arizona sod landscaping tips and lawn care information, visit our website .

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

Guide to Watering Your Arizona Summer Lawn

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

In Arizona, the summers are scorchers. If you have a sod lawn in Arizona, your grass will need a little more water during the summer, but the reward of a fresh green lawn to enjoy all season long is well worth it.

Here are some watering tips to get you through the summer season while still conserving your ever-important water source:

guide to watering your arizona sod lawn

Know How Much Water Your Lawn Needs. In order to ensure the healthiest lawn, water needs to reach the roots of your grass each time you’re watering. Applying about 3/4″ of water during each session should allow you to penetrate about 10″ of ground, which is an optimal depth.

To test the depth of your watering efforts, wait about an hour after watering, then grab a soil probe or long screwdriver. If you’ve watered properly, you should be able to easily push your testing tool to a depth of 10″. If you’re probe doesn’t go that far, you should water longer until you’ve reached deep enough into the soil.

Know How Much Water Your Sprinkler System Applies. You’ll want to know how much water your sprinkler system is applying to your lawn to be able to properly account for the amount of time your sprinklers need to be turned on. To test this, take several flat-bottomed cans (pet food cans or tuna cans work great for this exercise), place them sporadically around your lawn, and run your sprinklers for fifteen minutes. When the time is up, measure the amount of water in each can.

Calculate a ratio using the amount of water that’s accumulated as a decimal of an inch (1/4″ = .25, for example). Add the amount of water from each can, then divide the total amount of water accumulated by the total number of cans. This will give you the average watering depth for a fifteen minute time frame. Generally speaking, you could expect a pop-up sprinkler to deliver about 4/10″ of water during this time frame, and impact sprinklers usually apply about half this amount of water.

If you’re seeing variations in depth from one can to the next greater than 1/4″, you should investigate your sprinkler, as you may have issues causing inconsistent watering, such as clogged sprinkler heads.

Since .75″ (or 3/4″) is necessary for a healthy lawn, perform the following calculation:

(.75 / the average watering depth) x 15 minutes = optimal amount of time to water

Consider these Cautions.

  • Different times of year require varying watering frequencies. Adjust your watering intervals to account for optimal frequency here in Arizona.
  • Time of day is important. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day, as the water will likely evaporate before it reaches its full potential. Instead, shoot for the evening or early morning hours so your sod can absorb the water and give it to the grass roots.
  • A mushy ground is indicative of too much watering. Cut back if you’re experiencing soggy soil which could ultimately produce unwanted fungus or mushrooms.
  • Don’t water when it’s windy.
  • Periodically test your run time, and make adjustments based on changes in the climate.
  • Pay attention to your sprinkler heads, and maintenance any clogs or misguided directions.
  • Mow your lawn regularly in accordance with the type of grass you’ve chosen to keep it at its healthiest.

Before the summer sun really gets going, check out these 5 Lawn Care Tips for Spring so your grass can be properly prepped and ready to go!

5 Creative Ways to Reduce Water Use in Arizona Lawns

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Water is one of those natural resources that we all need to be careful not to waste away, but here in Arizona, conservation can be a bit trickier than the rest of the country. In our desert climate, your lawn needs adequate amounts of water, so you don’t want to be stingy with your watering, but you also want to be mindful of conserving where you can.

It's just as easy to underwater a lawn as it is to overwater, particularly here in Arizona

Here are five creative ways that you can reduce water use in Arizona lawns:

  1. Choose sod adapted to the Arizona climate. The best way to reduce water when taking care of your Arizona lawn is to first choose water saving, desert adapted lawn varieties.  All of the varieties that Evergreen Turf grows are adapted to the Arizona climate and designed to save water.  Managing the water with a correctly installed “Smart” sprinkler watering system is the best combination of technology and plant genetics for saving water.  There will always be areas in the landscape that are hard to water, have too much shade, or receive too much traffic to have quality turf.  For these areas we recommend one of the many choices of naturally colored rock and granite available for Arizona landscapes. Granite is a great accessory to dress up your Arizona lawn, and save water where you don’t really need grass.
  2. Use Native Trees. Native trees provide shade and greenery to your landscape, and because they’re naturally found in our arid climate, they don’t need to use much water. As you’re adding decorative details to your lawn, go with native plants and shrubbery, too. Any plants that are naturally found in Arizona will automatically be lower maintenance and more resistant to droughts than plants you bring in from another region.
  3. Add Artistic Planters. Artistic planters can be used as focal points at select spots on your lawn. These are a great idea for Arizonans because they allow you to add bright and vibrant plants that often require more water than our native plant alternatives, but, because you’re planting them in small and confined spaces, you’re still significantly limiting the amount of water you need to keep them healthy.

If you’re into DIY projects, you can get creative and make your own artistic planter while repurposing items you have around the garage. Bird baths, recycled wood pallets, and salvaged wood all make excellent artistic planters that add an interesting effect to dessert yards. Alternatively, you can look for a vendor who specializes in selling professionally crafted artistic planters. There are plenty of great companies around the state who can help you find the perfect planters for your personal style and outdoor space.

  1. Create Rivers of Color. Use succulents and low-maintenance grasses in a rainbow of hues to create “rivers” or ribbons of color in select places in your yard. These small ribbons of color will add color and textural interest without needing any extra maintenance or water supply.
  2. Fertilize Properly. You may not realize the importance of fertilizing your lawn, but proper fertilizer is directly related to your lawn’s ability to absorb water and combat extreme temperatures and droughts. It’s important to realize that there are various types of fertilizer, and the fertilizer that matches the needs of your particular breed of grass will be the optimal way to prepare your lawn’s root system.

Before you purchase a fertilizer, research online, but speak to a professional to be sure that the information you have uncovered is accurate and optimal for your individual situation, including the type of grass you have, the time of year, and how much sun your lawn gets.

We’d love to hear other creative ways that you keep your Arizona landscape beautiful while conserving water! Please share your ideas with us at our Evergreen Turf Arizona Facebook page!

Arizona Sod: Make Sure Your Sod Isn’t Drinking Too Much Water

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

April is water awareness month in Arizona, so we want to make sure you’re Arizona sod is getting the right amount of water while not wasting any. We found some tips that are useful and can be used year round.

arizona sod

For the next week you can make a great impact by following some of the water awareness tips found here. Click on each day for the Water Use It Wisely special tips; we know some of the tips aren’t just for your lawn, but in the grand scheme of things we still want you to conserve water for our state.

When it comes to watering your lawn we recommend that you check the Water Use It Wisely watering guide or your local newspaper daily. If you are unable to check it daily, check it weekly to ensure that you are not only over watering your lawn, but that you aren’t wasting any water.

With summer coming right around the corner you can also refer to our irrigation/watering schedule for summer time to make sure you know how much water your Evergreen Turf lawn requires. Make it a goal to adjust your watering schedule and conserve as much water as you can!

Overwatering Can Lead to Insect Infestations

Monday, June 7th, 2010

According to University of Arizona (UA) researchers, mosquitoes can breed in a pool of water as small as a paper cup. In order to avoid an infestation of mosquitoes or other insects on and around your property this summer, make sure not to over-water your lawn.


“The mosquito operates at the paper cup level,” said Paul Robbins, who is heading up the UA study, which is focused on West Nile virus and Dengue fever.

“How can we predict where the paper cups are going to be? Where is that micro-habitat that the bug favors or doesn’t favor distributed in a complex place like a city that has culverts, drains, parks, and people who are watering their lawns, like in Phoenix,” asked Robbins?

We may not be able to eliminate every breeding ground for mosquitoes, but we can take action to limit the amount of standing water on our own property.

Although it’s hotter and drier during the summer – with the exception of monsoon season – than any other time of the year in Arizona, you don’t actually need to water your lawn more than usual. In fact, it promotes better root growth and drought tolerance to water well-established lawns only two to three times a week.

Now that it’s consistently above 80 degrees during the day and night, over-watering can leave those small, paper cup sized pools of water around long enough to allow mosquitoes to successfully breed.

“In southern Arizona, what you’re seeing under some scenarios of warming is an increased length of the mosquito season,” said Robbins. “Generally you worry about them in the rainy season, but we’re seeing that expand out to fall and spring, and that makes a big difference because it provides a much longer breeding season and a longer presence for bugs to transfer disease.”

In addition to limiting the number of breeding spots for mosquitoes, setting an appropriate watering schedule for your lawn will conserve water.

For more tips on lawn maintenance during the summer months, visit our Summer Health, Lawn Care maintenance page.


Lower water usage and keep your sod “Evergreen”

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Now that spring is here and the heat of summer is just around the corner, it’s time to start watering your Evergreen sod lawn again to keep it growing lush and green throughout the hottest and driest months of the year.


Spring Lawn and Sod Care

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Spring has officially arrived, which means it’s time to start preparing for new landscaping projects and seasonal lawn maintenance. Every year, lawns, no matter how big or small, go through similar seeding and fertilization cycles and spring is the time when grass starts growing again. If you want to ensure a healthy lawn, take note of these tips.


12 Water Conservation Tips for Arizona Sod Lawns

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

1. If you have automatic sprinklers, water your Arizona sod early in the morning. Wind and evaporation are at their weakest early in the morning. (more…)