Your Guide: How to Prepare Soil for Sod in 6 Steps

January 30th, 2025

There are few things more satisfying to a homeowner than having a beautiful green lawn. But first, you’ll want to make sure you’re installing it correctly, and the first step is making sure your soil is ready for sod installation. Here’s how to prepare soil for sod to ensure you end up with the desired results.

how to prepare soil for sod; photograph of lush green lawn

Soil Preparation for Sod Checklist

Step 1: Test the soil. Not all Arizona sod is the same, so you’ll want to make sure you purchase the right type based on alkaline content of the existing soil. This is achieved by testing the soil’s pH level with a kit from your local garden center.

Step 2: Install or prepare sprinklers. Naturally, fresh sod is going to require maintenance and regular care; therefore, a sufficient irrigation system is the key to success. If your yard is already equipped with one, mark each sprinkler head with a flag and be cautious not to damage them when you attempt step three.

Step 3: Remove grass and weeds. In order for sod placement to be successful, your yard must be completely cleared of grass, weeds, rocks, twigs, and debris. Kill existing vegetation with either chemical or organic products. Then, clear the vegetation and rake up additional debris, such as rocks, so that there is nothing left to physically interfere with sod installation.

Step 4: Consider grading. If your lawn is flat, be sure to build up soil around your home and other structures to prevent water from pooling. Your goal is for the yard to slope slightly to avoid overwatering.

Step 5: Spread topsoil. This is not always mandatory, but adding soil amendments to your lawn can help with sod’s ability to root and gain proper nutrients for growth and sustainability, which is of particular importance in Arizona’s desert climate. If you need topsoil, you can order some that will get delivered straight to your home from Big Yellow Bag.

Step 6: Water the soil. As a final step, dampen the soil with water just before you are ready to install sod (which should be laid as soon as it is purchased/delivered). Do not create mud puddles; rather, give the soil a quick once-over with the hose to lightly moisten the surface.

It’s as simple as that – now you know how to prepare soil for sod. Although the steps are not necessarily difficult, they can be time consuming depending on the size of your yard. Dedicate the proper time for soil preparation and soon you’ll have a lush landscape to call your own.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

How to Repair Dead Spots in Lawn

January 30th, 2025

If you have dead spots in your lawn, that just never seem to green up again, you may have an issue. The good news is the dead spots in your lawn can be treated, turning that brown into green. You can also treat the problem that created your dead spots and help keep your lawn healthy, no matter what time of year it is.

Learn how to repair dead spots in your lawn

How to Re-Seed Those Dead Spots in Lawn

  • The first thing you will want to do is purchase a few things, you will need seed (perennial rye), sand or soil, and composted steer manure.
  • You will then want to create a mix with the three products listed above using a 40-40-20 ratio. Manure and Sand should make up 80% of your mix, whilst the seed will make up the remaining 20%.
  • Now that you have created a mix you can lightly sprinkle the mix on to the dead spots in your lawn.

The reason for not just planting the seed straight into the ground is that the seed may not take. By adding manure you are helping the area around the seed hold heat and moisture. The sand works to help even out the texture, ensuring that when you place your mixture into the bare spots, that you don’t get either too much seed or manure.

Issues That may be Causing Dead Spots in Lawn

To prevent dead spots in lawn from arising again, you will need to treat the cause. These tips can help you prevent brown or dead spots form reoccurring once you have re-seeded.

  • Pet Urine – If your brown spots in lawn are caused by your pets constantly urinating in the same spot, you will need to prevent this from happening. You may want to designate a spot for your pets to go potty. Another solution is to walk your dog on a leash at different times throughout the day.
  • Pests – There are many pests that can cause problems with your lawn. Pests and grubs such as chinch bugs, sod webworms, and white grubs, can cause dead spots in your lawn. The first thing you will need to do is identify which pest is causing the issue, as each pest will need to be treated differently, it is often best to call a lawn care or landscaping expert if you suspect pests are the cause of brown spots.
  • Watering – If your lawn is not getting enough water, this may cause dead spots to occur. A common rule with an established grass lawn is to water once a week over the winter, or every 2-3 days during the spring. If you have trouble remembering to water your lawn, you may want to establish a routine. Water your lawn on the same days of the week, and make sure all your equipment such as sprinklers are working correctly.

Once you have treated your lawn and re-seeded the dead spots, your lawn should start to green up again, giving you the best lawn on the block.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

How to Keep Grass Green: 5 Easy Steps

January 30th, 2025

Want to keep your grass green all spring and summer so it will last through the fall? Arizona sod experts at Evergreen Turf offer some tips to help you out! Here’s how to keep your grass green in 5 easy steps.

1. Choose a variety of grass that will work best in your yard

How to Keep Grass Green in 5 Easy Steps

As you may or may not know, there are many different types of grass. Each type grows best under different conditions. Some grow best in cooler temperatures, while some require more sunshine than others. So to set yourself up for success, you first need to choose the right type of sod. Check out our Lawn Selector Tool and answer a quick series of questions to determine which varieties are best suited for your location. From there, you’ll be able to see more detailed information about each of the grasses to help you make a final decision.

2. Test your soil

How to Keep Grass Green

Use a soil test kit. Test your soil for things like:

  • nitrogen
  • phosphorus
  • pH levels

This will help you uncover any deficiencies that may prevent you from achieving a healthy green lawn. If your soil is missing key nutrients, you can add certain products that will boost your soil. This will create an ideal environment for healthy grass. If you don’t want chemicals on your lawn there are environmentally friendly ways to care for your grass. For example, leaving the grass clippings on your lawn, known as mulching, helps keep your soil moist and prevents weed growth. For more information check out our Lawn Care Nutrition page.

3. Water thoroughly but do not overwater

How to Keep Grass Green

One of the top mistakes that homeowners make is overwatering their lawn. If you’re starting a lawn from seed, you will need to water often, since the seeds need time to germinate and sprout. However, if you’re starting your lawn from sod, be cautious to not overwater.

Most homeowners water lightly every day, or practically every day. This encourages the roots to stay close to the soil, which in turn makes your lawn more vulnerable to heat and drought. Instead, you should water deeply only a few times per week. This method will encourage deep root growth.

Finally, try to water in the early morning and avoid watering at night. This tactic will help you avoid prolonged moisture which can cause disease. For more information, check out our Lawn Care Irrigation page.

4. Don’t mow too short

How to Keep Grass Green

When you mow your lawn very short, it creates more work and maintenance in the long run, because you need to water more frequently and use more herbicides. Also, if you mow your lawn one day after watering, you will help your lawn heal better from the recent cut. This often prevents the tips from turning yellow and brown. Check out our Mowing Lawn Care page for more tips.

5. Aerate your lawn once in spring and fall

How to Keep Grass Green

Aeration is the process of creating small holes in the surface of your lawn. This can be done using an aeration rake. Some companies even sell aeration sandals that you can strap on your feet! This process allows water, nutrients, and air access to the roots. It also creates better drainage which reduces runoff.

If you’ve followed all these tips and you’re still not getting the results you want, your lawn may have a disease or insect infection. It’s important to identify the problem accurately, so it’s best to take a sample of your grass and soil to an expert for help in identifying the root of the problem.

Have questions? Contact us today by phone at 602.626.9959 or email at Better yet, come on down to our Chandler office located at 11407 E. Germann Rd and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!

For more lawn care information, visit our website

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

Top 5 Backyard Landscaping Secrets

January 30th, 2025

You don’t have to be a professional landscaper to design a beautiful backyard space. Check out these top 5 backyard landscaping secrets that can help turn any backyard into a work of art!

1. Hide Your Problem Areas: Having a backyard is great because you and your family can play outside all day long. However, your backyard is also the place to stash extra stuff like garden hoses and AC units. But don’t let those eye-sores stress you out! Just cover them up with hedges and storage bins that double as outdoor benches. This will take the focus off the junk so people can admire the pretty parts of your yard, like the lush sod you just installed or the potted flowers.

2. Create Focal Points: Rather than have a wide-sweeping expanse of grass with nothing else in your yard, try to create focal points to provide structure to your space. For example, a fire pit with outdoor furniture around it is a great addition to any backyard. If you have a smaller yard, plant a striking tree in the corner so that you have something that draws the eye in. If you live in the southwest in a city like Tucson, sod can grow year-round to complement any focal points in your yard.

3. Choose the Right Sod Variety: Not all sod types are created equal. Some are more tolerant to shade while others thrive with more sunlight. Check out this Lawn Selector tool that can help you find the perfect Tucson sod type for your lawn.

NOTE: No sod grass can tolerate 100% shade. If you have an area that receives no sun, we recommend modifying your landscape to use decorative rock or other vegetation in that space. You may also consider pruning trees and vegetation to provide more sun to the area.

4. Plant the Right Plants: Line your perimeter and walkways with useful plants. For example, did you know that lemongrass keeps mosquitos away and lavender keeps fleas away?

5. Address the Specifics: As you go about your backyard landscaping projects, there are specifics that are bound to pop up. You may realize you need to create more shade above your hammock or move your bird feeder to a quieter area. Just remember to stay flexible and adapt your backyard as your family grows and changes.

Above all, when it comes to designing your backyard, the most important rule is to do what you like and have fun with it!

Phoenix Sod – Renovating or Expanding Your Lawn?

January 30th, 2025

Do you live in Phoenix, Arizona, and need to renovate or expand your lawn? Purchasing sod is a must for any landscaping project. You need a company you can trust, one who delivers high quality Phoenix sod that will make your lawn look spectacular. That’s where we come in.

Here at Evergreen Turf, we have been Arizona’s top experts on desert landscaping since 1999. Our goal is to farm and sell premier Arizona sod for homeowners across the sunshine state. Our sod is also used for golf courses and sports facilities, including the Arizona Cardinals’ stadium. We have provided sod to thousands of commercial projects as well. When you buy from Evergreen Turf, you are getting the same sod that demanding professional organizations choose. You won’t find higher quality sod in Phoenix.

Some consumers wonder whether they should use sod or seeds to grow their lawns. Sod has many advantages over seeds. You won’t have to worry about allergies, because sod is pollen free. Sod also requires less water, making it better for the environment, especially in Arizona’s arid desert climate. Also, you don’t have to wait for sod to grow like seeds do. Sod can instantly give you the great lawn that you want and deserve.

We sell several different types of high quality premium sod. Midiron is the most popular turfgrass sod in the state. Midiron is a blue-green, low maintenance brand. Palmetto St. Augustine provides you with bright green turn and performs well in the shade. Celebration Bermudagrass is bluish-green and requires significantly less mowing than other varieties. If you stop by our office, we’ll be happy to help you find the right variety for you. You can also visit our website and take our quiz to help you decide which lawn to choose. Key factors include whether your lawn will be in the sun or the shade, the type of lawnmower that you own, and whether you have any children or pets.

We are the state’s top authority on anything having to do with desert landscaping with sod. We are happy to help you with any fertilization, irrigation, mowing, and weeding questions that you have. Maintaining your lawn in a desert environment can be challenging and proper lawn care is very important. With sod, you conserve water that would be consumed by seeds. Sod is also durable and long-lasting.

Experience the Evergreen Turf difference for yourself and join our happy family of satisfied clients. We are confident you will agree that we offer the best sod in Arizona. Contact us today or visit our office. We look forward to hearing from you!

For more information about maintaining your Arizona sod, or installing new sod, feel free to contact us at Evergreen Turf, Arizona’s Premier Sod Supplier.

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

Sports Field Comparison: Sod vs. Turf

January 30th, 2025

Sports fans love to analyze and debate which type of sports field surface is best for the game. Let’s take a look at why certain stadiums have sod versus turf for professional sports fields.

The two main elements to consider are the location of the stadium in the US and whether it is indoors or outdoors. In colder climates like New Jersey where there is a risk of frost and snow, the NFL often chooses artificial turf because it is less affected by these conditions compared to natural grass, which makes it easier for the teams to play on. However, in warmer climates such as Phoenix, sod is usually the best option because it makes for a great playing field and there is much less risk of snow or ice taking over the field.

Typically, stadiums with natural grass fields will go through a re-sodding before big games like the Super Bowl. This entails trucking in fresh sod and resurfacing the playing field with extreme precision to make sure it is absolutely perfect come game day. In fact, the sod is often grown up to two years in advance at special farms before arriving at any Super Bowl stadium. (For all the home lawn enthusiasts who want to know what type of sod is used on NFL stadiums, the NFL uses a hybrid Bermuda grass as a base, overseeded with perennial rye grass.) While this all sounds like a lot of work, and it is, many players and fans prefer natural grass surfaces because they look and feel better than artificial turf.

For example, the Arizona Cardinals Stadium has a natural Arizona sod field and is consistently rated as one of the best NFL stadiums in the US. Evergreen Turf is a proud partner of the Arizona Cardinals. As a premier provider of sod in Arizona, our team is dedicated to making sure the Cardinals’ field is ready to go on game day. Great care is taken in selecting, cultivating and maintaining the particular variety of sod that is used in this unique and prestigious venue.

Whether you’re a sports field manager looking for assistance with your next sports field project, or a homeowner in need of a new Phoenix sod lawn, we’re here to help! Talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959.

Installing a New Tucson Sod Lawn? How to Do it Right

January 30th, 2025

Does your lawn need a facelift? Installing new Tucson sod is one of the quickest and easiest ways to spruce up your backyard, and as a bonus, a new lawn also adds value to your property. If you want a lawn that will look good for several years to come, it’s important that you install your Tucson sod correctly. Preparing your lawn for the new sod is where most people make mistakes. Here’s how to properly prepare for your new Tucson sod lawn:

1. Apply a weed and grass killer to the old lawn.

Make sure to use a pump sprayer to apply the product on your lawn. It’s also best to use a powerful, commercial grade product to ensure you kill all of the existing weeds. If you have pets or kids you will want to keep them away from the area while you are spraying and for a day or two afterwards.

2. Let it set for 7-10 days.

If you have a serious weed infestation, you may want to repeat this step to be sure you get rid of everything before installing your new sod lawn.

3. Use a sod cutter to cut out your old lawn.

You can rent a sod cutter from your local home improvement warehouse if you don’t own one.

4. Till the area to loosen the soil and get rid of any lingering roots.

5. Rake out thoroughly.

6. Add new soil to the area.

7. Blend the new soil in with the existing soil using a rototiller.

8. Slope for drainage if needed and check your irrigation system.

There’s nothing worse than installing a brand new lawn and then discovering that it’s not draining properly. This can lead to unsightly water pockets that form between the soil and the layer of sod.

9. Measure the total area and get your Tucson sod order ready.

10. Select the best type of Tucson sod for your landscape and place your order.

11. Install the sod with a sod roller.

It’s important to install the sod the same day it arrives as it is a perishable, living product that needs to be planted right away for the best results.

12. Water thoroughly for the first week, but do not water at night.

Watering at night stimulates fungus and disease, and no one has time for that! So do yourself a favor and water during the daytime only.

13. Do not cut the new sod for at least three weeks.

14. Enjoy!

Contact us today for more information on how to install a new Arizona sod lawn!

Finding the Right Grass Solutions for Your Sports Field or Golf Course

January 30th, 2025

Are you a sports field or golf course manager? Trying to find the right grass solutions for your field or gold course can be challenging! Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing your Arizona sod.

Consider the layout. A soccer field is going to be much different than a golf course, so it’s important that you consider the layout of your professional field when choosing the type of sod that’s right for your business.

Analyze the surrounding area. Is your sports complex right next to a mountain range or lake? The surrounding area will help you determine things like soil and air quality. The more you know, the better chances you have at maintaining a beautiful golf course or sports field.

Consider the climate. Will your field be in the shade for much of the day? Does your town ever see snow, such as Flagstaff or Sedona? Climate plays a big role in determining the right type of sod for your professional installation.

Determine how much wear and tear it will get. Football fields have considerably more wear and tear than other types of professional fields. There are certain types of sod that hold up well even with lots of wear and tear, so factoring in this element will help you in your decision. For example, Celebration Bermuda Grass is a good option for use in a high-traffic area, because of its excellent wear tolerance. Known as a nearly indestructible grass, it is a popular choice for residential lawns, sports fields, golf courses and parks.

A landscape professional can guide you through the decision-making process to find the right solutions and sod products for you when you are ready to take your lawn, sports field or golf course from patchy and sparse to lush and healthy.

Evergreen Turf has years of experience in installing Arizona sod for professional fields and courses. They have installed sod for many golf courses in the state. The best types of Arizona sod for golf courses include ultra-dwarf bermudagrasses, Tifdwarf, Bentgrass, and Tif Eagle. Evergreen Turf’s expert staff tailor the method of planting to each golf course’s turf selection. Evergreen Turf also takes care of all site preparation and design for each professional project.

One of the most famous projects of Evergreen Turf is The University of Phoenix Stadium. The stadium uses Tifway-419, a Bermuda hybrid. It was planted by using stolons, or plugs, that provide the best long-term field conditions.

Here are the top reasons to choose Evergreen Turf for your landscape:

  • Arizona’s premium provider with proven experience
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • New installs, renovation, or custom grown sod, Evergreen Turf offers turnkey solutions

Contact us today for more information on Arizona sod!

How to Make Your Arizona Backyard Work for You

January 30th, 2025

Follow these tips and tricks on how to make your Arizona backyard work for you and you’re sure to have a lot of fun designing your backyard.

Create an outdoor lounge area

While Arizona does get very hot in the summer months, the rest of the year is quite pleasant to be outdoors during the day. It’s nice to have a lounge area with some outdoor furniture to relax in your backyard and to entertain guests. You could even hang a hammock for extra-indulgent relaxation. It’s best to also have a coffee table and a few comfortable chairs in your backyard. Wicker works nicely for outdoor furniture and holds up well through a variety of weather scenarios. Finally, create this lounge area in a shady spot so that it’s comfortable to use for long periods of time. If you don’t have much shade in your backyard, you could purchase some shade sails and set them up around your backyard lounge area.

Install Misters for the Summer

Everyone knows that the Central and Southern parts of Arizona can get very hot in the summer. If you happen to live in one of these areas, consider installing misters in your backyard to keep you cool all summer long. Misters can reduce temperatures by as much as 25 to 30 degrees. You can install them along the edge of your lounge area, grill, or pool. Your kids and house guests will thank you for creating a cool environment even in the thick of the desert heat.

Create a small vegetable garden

Cut down on the amount of veggies you buy at the store by creating your own vegetable garden. Choose the area that you want to be your garden and mark it off. If you are having professionals install a fresh Arizona sod lawn, make sure to let them know which area of your yard you plan to turn into a garden so they can avoid laying sod in that area. Some vegetables that grow well in Arizona include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Okra
  • Onions
  • Radishes
  • Squash
  • Herbs

Install a Backyard Shed

Having a shed in your backyard reduces clutter in your garage and closets. Keep all your lawn care tools in the shed for easy access. Alternatively, if you choose not to do yard work and would rather leave it to the professionals to tend to your Arizona sod lawn, then you can install a shed and transform it into something useful for you, such as an afternoon nap and reading area, a playhouse for the kids, or an office!

Pick the right type of sod for your Arizona home

There are many factors to consider when choose the right type of sod for your Arizona lawn. Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • Is the area in the sun or shade?
  • Do you have a reel or rotary motor?
  • Do you have children or pets?

If you need more guidance, check out our Lawn Selector tool that will guide you to the right type of Arizona sod for your lawn.

5 Eco-Conscious Ways to Tend to Your Arizona Sod Lawn

January 30th, 2025

Arizona is a beautiful state with some of the most diverse landscapes and climates in the country. The northern part of Arizona sees snow, while the central and southern parts of the state are known for their hot and dry desert climate. Phoenix and Tucson are both areas where residents need to be conscious of their water use and their contribution to pollution. If you’re a homeowner that has an Arizona sod lawn, here are five eco-friendly ways you can tend to your lawn.

garden sprinkler watering grass at home backyard

1. Be Conscientious When Watering

It’s very common to overwater your lawn, even with Arizona sod, and especially during the hot summer months when homeowners attempt to compensate for the hot weather. Look for signs of overwatering such as pools of water on the lawn or moss growing on the sidewalk.

2. Use Push Mowers Instead of Gas Mowers

Push mowers require zero fuel except for your pure man (or woman) power! While gas mowers have become the norm, they are actually not necessary to maintain a beautiful Arizona sod lawn. You can purchase eco-friendly push mowers at home improvement stores. When your neighbor asks why you don’t have a gas mower, tell them you’re doing your part to help the environment! Maybe they will join the trend.

3. Use a Rake Instead of a Leaf Blower

Ask yourself, “Do I really need a leaf blower?” They are loud and smelly, they disturb your neighbors and worst of all they are not good for the environment. Why not trade in your leaf blower for a standard rake? It only takes a little bit more time than the leaf blower, plus you’ll tone your arm muscles in the process! Let’s face it, most parts of Arizona don’t see a ton of autumn leaves like some states back east, so a rake should be sufficient in maintaining your Arizona sod lawn.

4. Stick to Local Plants, Flowers, and Grasses

Native plants are going to grow best in your yard, so if you want flowers and plants incorporated into your landscape, try to choose ones that are native to your area. If you’re not sure which plants are local to your area, check with your neighborhood nursery or your professional landscapers to confirm which plants will be best for your yard.

5. Buy Sod From Local Businesses

Like flowers and plants, grasses that aren’t native to your region will require more maintenance and often more watering. It’s best to buy your Arizona sod locally as it supports local business and you can ensure you’re choosing the right type of grass for your home and climate. Which grass you choose also depends on how often your lawn is in sunlight. For help choosing the right type of Arizona sod for your lawn, answer three questions from our lawn selector tool. Your answers will determine the absolute best sod for your Arizona home.

    For more information on Arizona sod, visit our website or call one of our Arizona sod specialists at 602-626-9959.