Why and When to Fertilize Your Lawn

June 12th, 2024

Are you trying to get your lawn and garden in the best shape possible? Then it’s important to understand the process of fertilizing, including why and when to fertilize your lawn and plants.

Feeding your lawn is one of the most important things you can do to keep it in good health and to keep the grass green all year round. Fertilizers help to build a better root system, which in turn helps protect your lawn from extreme heat, cold, drought, foot traffic, and other stress factors.

First of all, keep in mind that every lawn is different depending on where you live, how much sun your lawn gets, and many other factors. You may find you need to tweak your fertilizer schedule depending on your unique lawn needs. But to get started, here are some general tips on when to fertilize your lawn.

Early Spring

February through April – This is the time where your lawn begins to “wake up” from the winter. Fertilizing your lawn during this time strengthens the roots and helps to set it up for success during the heavy growing season. If you have weeds in your lawn, consider using a fertilizer with a pre-emergent in it to control weed growth. If you’re unsure which type of fertilizer to use on your lawn, check out our article on the 5 types of fertilizers.

Late Spring

April through June – During this time of year, your lawn is working hard and using the energy it stored during the winter months. So it’s important to fertilize sometime during the late spring in order to give your lawn the energy it needs to stay healthy during the summer and fall.


June through August – If you live in Arizona like us, summer is the toughest time on home lawns. Not only does the heat take a toll on the lawn, but you also have insects to fight! Fertilizing your lawn in the summer will encourage continued growth so that you still have a lawn in the fall, which is the perfect time for outdoor entertaining in the hot southwestern states.


September through November – Fall brings pleasant weather and ideal conditions back to your lawn. Your lawn is ready for another growth period, and will need nutrients in order to thrive. The increased rainfall, morning dew and cooler evenings of fall create the best environment for a healthy lawn. Apply your fertilizer just before the winter chill hits in order to increase nitrogen storage. This will help create a healthy lawn in the spring next year.

Follow this lawn fertilizer schedule to maintain a healthy lawn all year round. For more tips and information, check out our Lawn Nutrition and Fertilization page.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.


Landscaping Ideas for Small Backyards

June 12th, 2024

Designing a backyard landscape can be a challenge when working with a small space. However, it is possible to turn a small backyard into a beautiful and relaxing outdoor space!

backyard landscaping

Check out these landscaping ideas for small backyards.

Decide on a color theme

Choosing two to four colors to feature in your backyard is a great way to make your small backyard space look professionally designed. Choose one or two neutral colors like grey, white, or black and one or two bright colors. This will make it easy to choose plants, patio furniture, and other accessories no matter where you shop!

Create walkways

Creating walkways for the backyard helps make it livable and fun! Since you’re dealing with a small space, it’s best to create smaller walkways rather than big wide paths. Consider using stepping stones to create your walkway; they are easy to install and fairly inexpensive too.

A quick note on installing these stepping stones: Don’t make the mistake of simply plopping down the stones and calling it a day. This will result in wobbly stones that are difficult to walk across. Instead, lay the stones in the desired pattern, then use a garden trowel to cut down into the sod around each stone. Then move the stone out of the way, and dig the area so that it’s deep enough for the stone to be flush with the surrounding lawn.

Consider a small pond / water feature

Installing a water feature is a great way to add a bit of charm to a small backyard. Here are some possible ways to add water to your small backyard landscaping:

  • vanishing edge pond
  • pond niche
  • orb fountains
  • half-moon pond
  • Asian-inspired water fountain

Choose a variety of plants

Plants help accent your yard with splashes of color and break up large areas of sod that can make your yard seem smaller than it is. Place the plants around the walkways, walls, and water features to create colorful borders in your backyard. Make sure you choose appropriate plants for your climate. Finally, it’s important to maintain the plants with proper watering so they stay alive. Create a watering schedule if you need it so you don’t forget to care for your plants.

Create a social space in one corner/area of the yard

When you’re dealing with small backyards, it’s often best to create the dining/hang out area in a corner to make your backyard seem as large as possible. Also, be sure to choose appropriately sized furniture for your space. Instead of large clunky patio chairs, consider long family-style benches or smaller stools. Shade sails can be used instead of big umbrellas or gazebos to provide an escape from the sun on hot days.

Follow these landscaping ideas for small backyards to make the most out of your small yard space!

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Top 4 Tips for Garden Weed Control

June 12th, 2024

landscaped lawn

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting out with gardening, knowing the best ways to control weeds in your garden will save you a lot of time in the long run. Gardening is like therapy for many people, providing stress relief and other benefits. However, for others, the idea of a garden is nice, but they just don’t want to deal with the weeds.

Check out these top 4 tips for lawn and garden weed control. We hope they help you control the weeds in your garden so you can enjoy gardening even more.

1. Install a weed cloth or mulch

Did you know that you can make mulch out of many different materials? Many people use leftover grass clippings or wood chips as mulch. However, you can also use things like newspaper. For adequate garden weed control, you’ll need to apply about a dozen layers of newspaper. Alternatively, shredded paper or cardboard makes even better mulch than flat sheets because it’s easier to spread and stays in place better than layers of newspaper. If you don’t want to deal with mulch, a simple weed cloth works great too.

2. Use a tiller to remove small weeds

If you have a sizable garden, tillers are an easy and effective way to get rid of the small weeds that crop up around your plants. Make sure you plant your herbs and vegetables approximately 12 inches apart so that you can maneuver a tiller easily through each row. Also, frequent tilling is recommended so that you get the weeds while they are young and small. As a tip, you can till every time you mow your lawn to keep a consistent schedule.

3. Use a hoe to remove larger weeds

Sometimes you need to bring out the big guns to get rid of larger weeds that can’t be removed with a tiller alone. Also, if you have a smaller garden, sometimes a tiller is a bit unnecessary, as a hoe is all you need to control weeds in small gardens. Again, just make sure you do it often to prevent major weed growth.

When you are hoeing, make sure you disturb as little soil as possible. The reason for this is to prevent weed seeds from germinating. See, most of the weed seeds are hiding in your soil, and they need sunlight in order to germinate. Some weed seeds only need a couple of seconds of sunlight to germinate. So the more you disturb the soil, the more weed seeds you will cause to germinate and begin to grow.

4. Apply weed preventatives

Check your local home improvement store for weed preventative products you can apply to your lawn. These are designed to stop weeds before they begin to grow. They will not kill existing weeds. One of the more popular products out there is called Preen garden weed preventer. Preen is a fluoride-based herbicide and generally safe to use in vegetable gardens. Whatever product you choose, apply your weed preventative on clean cultivated soil and water it immediately.

These 4 tips will help you control weeds in your garden so you can spend more time smelling the roses and less time pulling weeds!

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and our Spring Transition page for more spring lawn care advice, or give us a call at 602.626.9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Have a specific question about your lawn? Email us at info@evergreenturf.com. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

7 Tips for Natural Garden Insect Control

June 12th, 2024

Being out in the garden is a great source of happiness for many people. But one of the few things that can quickly turn gardening into a stressful experience is insect problems.

Check out these garden insect control tips and tricks. Nip your garden insect issues in the bud now (pun intended) so you can get back to doing what you love!

Maintain good plant health to prevent insect problems

The plants that are most prone to insect infestations are typically stressed in some way, meaning they are not in their healthiest condition. To prevent insect problems in the first place, it’s best to maintain good plant health. Proper fertilization, watering, and healthy soil are all key in keeping plants healthy.

However, if you do find yourself with a pest problem, the following garden insect control tips can help.

Properly identify the pests that are in your garden

The first step in solving your problem is properly identifying the pests. Here are some of the most common garden insect pests:

  • Aphids
  • Cabbage maggot
  • Caterpillars
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Mexican bean beetle
  • Flea beetles
  • Tarnished plant bug
  • Spider mites

Use beneficial bugs for natural garden insect control

Believe it or not, some bugs are actually good for your garden! If you’re looking for natural ways to control insects in your garden, using beneficial bugs is a great way to go. Here are some bugs you can buy or acquire to reduce or eliminate the pests in your garden:

  • Ladybeetles
  • Green Lacewings
  • Praying Mantises
  • Assassin Bugs
  • Ladybugs
  • Flower Flies
  • Spiders
  • Dragonflies

Eliminate weeds and keep things tidy

Weeds typically aggravate the issue of insects in the garden, since they provide an alternate food source and hiding place for bugs like whiteflies and slugs. You can simply pull the weeds out by hand to help control unwanted insects in your garden. There are also some natural herbicides you can apply.

Along with weed control, keeping your garden and yard clean and free of debris will also help with garden insect control. Do not leave cut tree limbs or plant debris in the garden. Damaged and/or freshly cut plant material tends to attract unwanted insects.

Use sticky traps

Sticky traps can catch all kinds of pests from flies to cockroaches and even some mice. Most products are safe even for indoor use.

Install a physical barrier

Consider installing a screen around your garden if you’re experiencing recurring insect issues. You could also try applying strips of aluminum foil to protect individual plants from migrating insects such as caterpillars.

Use organic pest control spray

Sometimes, you just need to use good old-fashioned spray for proper garden insect control. Luckily there are many organic sprays you can use that won’t harm your family, animals, other plants, or the environment. When you go to pick up your insect spray, just make sure the main active ingredient is one of the following: Spinosad, Bacillus subtilis, Azadirachtin.

Finally, here are some other helpful resources / websites on garden insect control:

The National Gardening Association Pest Control Library
Buglogical Control Systems

We hope these tips help you get rid of those nasty bugs that are destroying your garden once and for all!

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and our Spring Transition page for more spring lawn care advice, or give us a call at 602.626.9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Have a specific question about your lawn? Email us at info@evergreenturf.com. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Top 5 Front Yard Landscaping Ideas for Tucson Sod Lawns

June 12th, 2024

Looking for some front yard landscaping ideas for your Tucson sod lawn? We have tons of desert landscaping ideas for your home. Check out these ideas that can help turn your front lawn from blah to beautiful!

Create a paved pathway to your front door.

Use stones or concrete to create a flat, paved pathway to your front door. It’s best to plan out the shape of the pathway before laying down any materials. Also, try to give your pathway a unique shape with curves and angles rather than just laying a straight line to your door.

paved pathway

Cut down on the amount of sod in your front yard by adding gravel areas with desert plants.

Lawns are more aesthetically pleasing when there are different dimensions throughout. So rather than just have one giant lawn of Tucson sod, why not break up the landscape by adding some gravel areas decorated with desert plants and shrubs?

desert rose

Add big boulders to give your yard some depth.

Boulders are a great way to spruce up your yard and give it some depth. Try adding some along the border of the pathway to your door as well as next to your desert plants and shrubs on the gravel. Do not place boulders on top of your sod lawn however as this will cause the sod underneath to stop growing and die.


Add lights to your yard for the evening.

There are many different lighting options when it comes to lighting up your front yard in the evening. You could use rope lighting to line the pathway to your door or small ground lights than stick into the soil. You can also buy small spotlights to illuminate different plants around the front yard. Just make sure you take into considering the placement of the sprinklers as well as your watering schedule. You’ll want to check that the water system does not damage your outdoor lighting in any way.


Create a border between the different areas of your lawn.

Use small rocks, potted plants and flowers, or black plastic edging to create decorative borders between the Tucson sod and gravel portions of your front lawn. This helps give your yard balance and protects your sod from excessive wear and tear.


Have any specific questions about your lawn? We’re here to help! Call one of our Tucson sod specialists today at 602-626-9959 or visit www.EvergreenTurf.com.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Lawn in Phoenix

June 11th, 2024

Having a great looking lawn can be difficult no matter where you live. This is especially true in climates like Phoenix where the harsh weather and climate can make lawn care cumbersome. However, many people desire having a great looking lawn to boost the appearance of their home. A great way to care for your Arizona lawn is through the help of products offered by Evergreen Turf.

Phoenix lawn care

When it comes to having a great looking lawn, you must consider two main factors. First is the amount of effort that you are looking to put into the upkeep and care of your grass. The second factor is the conditions that it may experience, including weather and activity on the lawn after it is installed.

Lawn Maintenance – Upkeep and Care

Mowing your lawn can be tedious for some, while enjoyable for others. If you are willing to put in the effort, great looking lawns are those that are mowed at least once a week. They also require being fertilized more often, in order to provide nutrients to the grass. People who are willing to put in the extra effort with their lawn should consider a product like the Tifway 419, offered by Evergreen Turf. This is a great looking short grass that when taken care of, really highlights your Arizona lawn. Those that are looking to only mow their Arizona grass once every couple of weeks and do not want to continually fertilize, should consider a product like the Midiron. It is extremely durable and can handle tougher conditions.

Weather Conditions

Another factor to consider when selecting the correct sod in Arizona should be the type of weather conditions that you experience. Living in Arizona, your lawn is sure to be under constant desert-like conditions. The aforementioned Tifway 419 and also the Tifway 328 are great options for people who do not have shade for their grass, making it consistently get heat from the sun. However, for those that have many trees and a lot of shade covering their grass, Evergreen Turf offers their Palmetto St. Augustine line of Arizona sod. Although no extreme, heat or shade, is perfect for your grass, these lines can handle differing weather conditions in cities like Tucson and Phoenix.

How You Mow Your Lawn

It is also important to consider how you mow your lawn and if you have children or pets that will consistently be on the grass. Reel mowers require much more effort and cleanup. However, they also cut shorter and are more precise than rotary mowers. The Tifway line is great for reel mowers, even if you have children or pets that may consistently be running and playing on the lawn. But if you have a rotary mower, Midiron would be your best bet. The Midiron’s durability makes it perfect to handle rotary blades, as well as continual wear and tear from children and pets.

Learn more about Evergreen Turf Sod

Having a great looking lawn is hard work. But with a bit of effort and the correct knowledge of how to go about having a dream lawn, you can have a lawn that highlights the features of your home. The sod products offered by Evergreen Turf will allow you that chance.

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.

Our Top 5 Backyard Ideas on a Budget

June 11th, 2024

Owning a home is a dream come true for many. Once you’ve achieved this goal, your imagination starts to take off as you think of all the things you can do to personalize your home and property to make them functional and showcase your personality. Then the bills start coming in, and you realize some of your ambitious ideas may have to be put on hold until your budget balances out.

Beautiful backyard firepit at dusk

If this sounds familiar, fear not! You can have a beautiful backyard even when you’re on a budget. Here’s our top 5 ideas to spruce up your yard that won’t break the bank.

1. Look for Deals on Sod

You don’t always have to buy sod at full price. Keep your eyes open for special deals, percentages off, or free delivery. Check around for sales, or look for promo offers on social media. If you buy your sod from Evergreen Turf, we can even install your sod for you, which can make the process of beautifying your property much easier. Of course you can always install sod yourself if you enjoy DIY projects. Check out our how to install page for more information.

2. Install Interlocking Pavers

Interlocking pavers are easy to work with, and if you’re up for a DIY project, you can probably install these yourself. Pavers are a great way to give your outdoor space a bit of a facelift. You may need to install irrigation lines and put in irrigation controls before prepping your ground for pavers, however, and that job is often best being left to the experts. Before you lay the pavers, make sure you remove the original soil, and have a well-compacted base in place as a foundation. Arizona clay can cause problems when it rains if you don’t have a proper base in between the clay and the pavers.

3. Use Overlay Pavers

If you’re just trying to put a quick fix on already-existing concrete that’s not offering much in terms of aesthetic appeal, overlay pavers are a good way to go. They’ll disguise boring, cracked concrete and instantly freshen up your patio space.

4. Install a Fire Pit

Arizona’s evenings can get pretty chilly in winter, but you don’t have to forgo the outdoor fun if you’re entertaining or enjoying the fresh air. A firepit can be an awesome addition to the area’s backyards, and depending on how elaborate you go, you can install an affordable feature or splurge on a super elaborate fixture. There are plenty of online resources to walk you through a DIY fire pit installation, and the purchase of a manufactured fire pit can make the process super simple.

5. Plant Arizona-Friendly Plants

Not all plants are ready to weather the elements of the Arizona desert climate, but if you choose plants that are native to Arizona, they’ll acclimate to your lawn and produce beautiful accents for your landscape. If you aren’t inclined to have a green thumb, you don’t have to run away from the idea of landscaping your own lawn. Because many of the plants that are native to Arizona are hardy by nature as a result of our climate, you often have to work very hard to damage or kill them. They typically stand up to amateurs who are trying their hand and growing plants quite nicely, and if something doesn’t work for one reason or another, you have plenty of other options. You can even select native plants to attract birds to your yard.

If you’re in search of an Arizona sod company to help you get your yard lush and green, contact our team at Evergreen Turf today! If you’re installing your own Arizona sod, check out our How to Install guide to help you along your way!

How to Create a Vertical Garden

June 11th, 2024

In the past few years vertical gardens have become very popular, and there is a good reason for this. Going vertical means you can find the space that creates the exact type of light you need and it also allows you to have a garden where there may be no ground space. From herbs to succulents, creating a vertical garden lets you create a living work of art in and around your home.

If you have a blank wall or fence and you are looking to add a unique spin to the space, consider installing a beautiful vertical garden using these hints and tips.

Preassembled and D.I.Y Frames

Thanks to the popularity of vertical gardens it is easy to find preassembled systems. Online companies sell specialized systems that allow you to give just the right amount of nutrients and water to your plants. Local garden shops may also keep these systems in stock. These systems are usually made up of frames with a layer of mesh over the frames to keep the plants in place.

If you are looking to create a unique vertical garden you may want to consider building the frame structure yourself. There are many tutorials on the web that can guide you in creating a sturdy frame for your garden. Some accessories such as Wooly Pockets make building a vertical garden a breeze, these vertical planter pockets make it easy to just tuck your plants in, then enjoy your new garden.

Planting a Vertical Garden

When it comes to planting a vertical garden there are plants that you can use, that will survive better in our local climate. Some species of plants that work well in vertical gardens throughout the Tucson area include;

  • Succulents
  • Bromeliads
  • Geraniums
  • Croton
  • Herbs
  • Vegetables

Be sure to use the right soil for your garden, this will depend on what you decide to plant.

Tips and Tricks to Help Maintain Your Vertical Garden

How often you have to water and maintain your vertical garden will depend on which plants you decide to use.

Succulents are likely the most easy to care for, as they will only need watering every 7 – 10 days. Other species of plants such as herbs and geraniums may need to be watered every other day, especially throughout the Summer. If you have a system with a holding tank, watering becomes a little easier, as you can just keep an eye on the tank and top it up as needed.

If you do decide to install an automated watering system, you will need to clean filters and make sure all pumps and timers are working. This will need to be done on a regular basis to ensure your plants continue to receive the water and nutrients they need.

An automated system is not necessary to have a thriving vertical garden, however if you choose not to have an automated system, you may want to invest in plant sensors and soil monitoring devices, to make sure your garden stays healthy.

Keep a regular eye on all the plants in your garden, inspecting them for any pests or disease. For more on this, check out our article: 7 Tips for Natural Garden Insect Control.

As foliage dies off you will need to trim and clean them back to keep your garden looking well maintained.

Going vertical can turn a space that is drab and boring into a living work of art, and offers many advantages over garden plots, such as delivering the right light to the plants and conserving water. Use these tips to create a unique growing space in your yard.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Get Your Lawn Ready for Summer

June 11th, 2024

With the Fourth of July approaching, summer BBQs are about to be in full swing. Is your backyard ready for its busy season? With a little proactive yard maintenance, you’ll be able to enjoy a pristine lawn all summer long. Here’s what you need to know about summer lawn care in Arizona.

Dethatch your lawn

Warm weather grasses like Bermuda grass and paspalum thrive in humidity, yet still require preparation before the desert storms roll in. The best way to maximize the benefits of seasonal weather is to first open up the blades with a power rack. Dethatching machine rentals are easy to operate and cost approximately $40 – $60 depending upon the duration needed. The idea is to decrease the lawn’s volume without digging into the soil. While methods vary, take the foolproof approach by dethatching the lawn from opposite directions and mowing up the remains. Your end goal is to give your grass maximum exposure to sunlight while allowing stolons to take root. While it’s not necessarily catastrophic to skip this step, lawn professionals deem it wasteful as overgrowth will simply sit with nowhere to go until it’s mowed up.

Fertilize and water

As monsoon storms increase the amount of moisture in the air, you want to be cautious not to over water your lawn. Adjust automatic sprinklers to come on twice per week (and up to four during dry spells). Many Arizonans choose to water less frequently—even during long periods of heat—and that’s okay. It comes down to a matter of aesthetics as the grass won’t completely die off. Rather it will go dormant and appear less healthy and green until it’s revived by a consistent watering schedule. Additionally, you might consider giving your lawn a boost by applying fertilizer one to two weeks prior to those storm clouds rolling in. New homeowners should take time to research an appropriate fertilizer and application schedule for their specific grass type.

Tackle the “Honey-Do” List

Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare the rest of your outdoor space for BBQ guests. If you have a large yard, write down a few to-do items and tackle them one weekend at a time. You’ll have enough to worry about in the final days leading up to your party from entertainment to catering; don’t add unnecessary stress. Be mindful of the tasks you tend to put off like cleaning the grill and pulling those pesky weeds that love to take up residence in your front yard. Turn the kids’ chores into a friendly competitive game to motivate them for the summer fun to come.

Waiting until the week of your Fourth of July party to tackle the lawn might seem enticing, but as seasoned procrastinators know, it will turn out to be a bigger headache than it’s worth. Plan ahead for your upcoming BBQ (and other summer events) by marking the calendar and breaking large tasks into smaller, more manageable jobs. All the time spent laboring and sweating under the Arizona sun will be worth it once you crack into your first chilled beer surrounded by friends and family…and one beautifully manicured lawn.

Evergreen Turf is your source for the highest quality sod in Arizona. Our friendly, knowledgeable people are committed to answering all of your questions to ensure a stress-free experience with your new Arizona sod lawn. Whether you wish to sod a small play area for the family or an entire golf course, Evergreen Turf can help you make it happen.

Our team serves customers throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Tucson. Browse our website for information and tips on how to create and maintain a beautiful lawn, or give us a call and talk to one of our sod specialists at 602-626-9959 if you don’t find what you are looking for. Better yet, stop by and meet the team at our convenient Chandler location.

Water Conservation Ideas For Your Phoenix Sod Lawn

June 11th, 2024

The intelligent use of water will not only help the environment, it could allow your family to actually enjoy a larger Arizona sod lawn without adding to your water bill. Here are some water conservation ideas:

Customized Water Schedule

sprinkler on a lawn

A careful analysis of the water needs of each species in the yard, including grass species, will allow healthy growth without over-watering. For example, Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Hybrid Bermuda varieties of grass will all have slightly different moisture requirements. The location and the age of Arizona sod will impact its water needs as well.

Water Delivery

Compared to traditional sprinklers, soaker hoses and drip irrigation can use just half the water. Plus, they allow precision delivery onto your Phoenix sod and away from the pavement. With sprinklers, even the most careful use is no match for shifting winds around driveways and walkways.


close up of grass with water droplets on it

Early morning watering will save a great deal of water compared to mid-day watering, due to varying evaporation levels. This is that much more important in arid climates. Once the amount of water needed for your Arizona sod lawn is established, a timer can deliver that water precisely and at the right time of day.

Dry Soil

Drier soil may be more compacted, increasing runoff. If the lawn is drier than usual, consider turning the water off a time or two to allow the water more time to soak into the compacted soil. When dry spells hit, one can allow the lawn to go dormant. Water a dormant lawn just once-a-month, and it will bounce back when the conditions change.

Composting & Mulching

close up of mulch

Once the investment is made in watering plants and grass, water retention becomes the next challenge. Organic materials that are turned into compost allow one to both enrich the soil and to reduce excessive drainage. Composting helps to hold water; mulching helps to keep the water in the soil by reducing evaporation. One could say that a lawn itself represents a form of mulching. It is estimated that sod in Arizona will hold rainfall 600 percent better than a wheat field and 400 percent more effectively than a hay field.

Utilize Runoff Water

Catch runoff from roofs and gutters and use this “free” water to reduce your water bill. The use of creative ways to capture water and to deliver it efficiently to your plants and lawn is a science itself.

Contour Planting

rows of plants on farmland

Just like farmers use contour plowing, a homeowner can use strips of Phoenix sod planted on slopes in specific areas of the yard if the whole yard is not to be sodded. Then, both runoff and erosion can be reduced. Furthermore, the water will nourish the very strips of grass that catch the rainwater.

We at Evergreen Turf are committed to environmental stewardship at every level. Smart water use is a vital part of any landscaping and lawn care effort. We always strive to offer our customers additional ideas as to how they can better conserve water.

For more Arizona sod landscaping tips and lawn care information, visit our website .

Select the perfect turf using our lawn selector. Once you’ve found the perfect type of grass, you can order online or by phone. Learn how to measure your lawn and how to install your new lawn with our helpful online guides.