Posts Tagged ‘arizona sod’

TifGrand: A New Sod Variety That Grows In The Shade

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

TifGrand – Available Summer 2011

Evergreen Turf, Arizona’s premier sod producer, is the exclusive licensed seller of TifGrand bermudagrass in the Southwest. TifGrand bermudagrass is brand new to the sod market. One of the most distinctive and beneficial characteristics of the TifGrand variety is it can grow in the shade! Evergreen Turf is currently one of 18 licensed turf providers to sell this amazing new sod variety.

For Arizona residents TifGrand Bermudagrass is an excellent sod choice. Arizona residents who want shade in the heat of the summer no longer have to compromise their beautiful green lawn. If your yard contains shade tree coverage or if your home creates shade coverage over your lawn during the day, TifGrand might be the answer for you.

  • Can flourish in growth in 60-70% shade coverage; is known to continue growth well in up to 90% shade levels.
  • Can grow at the same capacity in full sun.
  • Requires considerably less water and fertilizer.
  • Has a naturally denser and darker green blade.
  • Mole cricket non-preference, which means the pests will eat it, but will eat other grass varieties nearby first.
  • TifGrand was developed by scientists Dr. Wayne Hanna and Dr. Kris Braman and the University of Georgia’s turfgrass breeding program.

Arizona was a testing location throughout the development process of TifGrand bermudagrass and Evergreen Turf is confident this new sod variety will be a great choice for Arizona residents. Not only is TifGrand great for Arizona homeowners, but it is also a great sod variety for golf courses, athletics fields, and stadiums.

Anywhere where turf grows and shade is present, make the change to TifGrand bermudagrass.

*Please note that all TifGrand cannot tolerate 100% shade. It will still require 4 hours or more of sunlight per day in order to thrive.

Evergreen Turf: Exclusive Arizona sod supplier of MiniVerde bermudagrass

Friday, July 16th, 2010


Evergreen Turf, your Arizona sod producer, is proud to be the premier supplier of MiniVerde Ultradwarf Bermudagrass in Arizona and California. MiniVerde Bermudagrass was designed specifically for high-stress golf course greens and has received praise from golf course superintendents and golfers alike.


Spring Lawn and Sod Care

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Spring has officially arrived, which means it’s time to start preparing for new landscaping projects and seasonal lawn maintenance. Every year, lawns, no matter how big or small, go through similar seeding and fertilization cycles and spring is the time when grass starts growing again. If you want to ensure a healthy lawn, take note of these tips.


Discover the Benefits of Mulch

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Mulch is used as a protective covering for plants to help them stay healthy. When placed around the plant, mulch can reduce the amount of water lost to evaporation by up to 30 percent. It can also prevent weed growth and frozen roots. Mulch can be especially beneficial to folks in Arizona as it is a particularly dry desert climate with close-to-freezing temperatures in the winter.


You can find many different types of mulch from organic materials to inorganic materials. They can vary in texture from fine to coarse and in some instances, rocks can even suffice as proper mulch. To choose the right type of mulch for your lawn, find one that meshes well with your landscape design and reduces water loss at the same time.

Mulch helps drainage and encourages root development for plants in your yard. Additionally, mulch improves the soil in your yard by making nutrients more accessible to plants. Insulating soil and plants during winter months and cooling them during summer months is another benefit gained from installing mulch in your backyard landscape. It can also serve as a nice decorative style to your landscape design.

Organic mulches include materials that were once living. Some examples of organic mulch are bark, leaves, wood chips and compost. If you’re looking to find organic mulch, many nurseries have mulches specially prepared which you can purchase. Rocks are considered inorganic material and serve as a good alternative to organic mulch. However, it’s important to note that rocks can get hot which can hurt your lawn. As a tip, rock mulch should be shaded with water-efficient plants.

Using your hands is the best way to spread the mulch. During the cooler seasons, layer it about one to three inches. As a rule, the mulch and the plants do not come in direct contact with one another as this may cause certain disease problems. Instead, form a ring of mulch about two to three inches away from the plant. Once this is done, water the mulch a little bit to moisten it and settle it into place.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Evergreen Turf, Arizona’s premier sod farm. Check out our lawn care guide for more useful resources and to find answers to all of your lawn care questions.

Create a Backyard Wildlife Habitat

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Now that you’ve discovered where to buy sod in Arizona, your new lawn from Evergreen Turf may have inspired you to create a landscape that attracts wildlife. Creating a wildlife habitat in your backyard that attracts hummingbirds, chipmunks and other creatures is pretty simple. A wildlife habitat consists of five primary elements. (more…)

How to Hire a Landscaper

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

Once Evergreen Turf has helped you install your new Arizona sod lawn, you may find yourself thinking – how do I maintain my new lawn? (more…)

Arizona Sod and Lawn Maintenance Tips

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

When you live in Arizona, sod and lawn maintenance tasks vary through out the year depending on the season. However, Evergreen Turf has a few tips you can use all year long to improve the overall health of your desert landscape. (more…)

How to Design your own Landscape

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Designing your own yard can be fun but takes a lot of planning. Doing everything from choosing the best type of sod, setting up your irrigation system and following landscaping requirements can seem overwhelming at first. However, there are some guidelines and resources you can use to ensure the process of landscaping your Arizona sod lawn goes smoothly. (more…)

Removing Your Southwest Sod

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

The southwestern states have a warm, arid climate making it difficult for certain types of sod to grow into a healthy lawn. Warm-season grass and cool-season grass are the two general types of western sod. (more…)

Evergreen Turf Knows How to Improve Curb Appeal with Arizona Sod

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

If you’re trying to sell your house, there are several things you can do to make your home stand out and be the shining star on your block. Your front lawn is a key element to the overall feel of the house. It’s vital that it appeals to potential buyers in such a way that they can visualize their children playing in the yard. This means removing certain personal items such as lawn gnomes and wind chimes from your front lawn. A quick and easy way to instantly improve the curb appeal of your home is to install sod in Arizona. (more…)