TifGrand: A New Sod Variety That Grows In The Shade
TifGrand – Available Summer 2011
Evergreen Turf, Arizona’s premier sod producer, is the exclusive licensed seller of TifGrand bermudagrass in the Southwest. TifGrand bermudagrass is brand new to the sod market. One of the most distinctive and beneficial characteristics of the TifGrand variety is it can grow in the shade! Evergreen Turf is currently one of 18 licensed turf providers to sell this amazing new sod variety.
For Arizona residents TifGrand Bermudagrass is an excellent sod choice. Arizona residents who want shade in the heat of the summer no longer have to compromise their beautiful green lawn. If your yard contains shade tree coverage or if your home creates shade coverage over your lawn during the day, TifGrand might be the answer for you.
- Can flourish in growth in 60-70% shade coverage; is known to continue growth well in up to 90% shade levels.
- Can grow at the same capacity in full sun.
- Requires considerably less water and fertilizer.
- Has a naturally denser and darker green blade.
- Mole cricket non-preference, which means the pests will eat it, but will eat other grass varieties nearby first.
- TifGrand was developed by scientists Dr. Wayne Hanna and Dr. Kris Braman and the University of Georgia’s turfgrass breeding program.
Arizona was a testing location throughout the development process of TifGrand bermudagrass and Evergreen Turf is confident this new sod variety will be a great choice for Arizona residents. Not only is TifGrand great for Arizona homeowners, but it is also a great sod variety for golf courses, athletics fields, and stadiums.
Anywhere where turf grows and shade is present, make the change to TifGrand bermudagrass.
*Please note that all TifGrand cannot tolerate 100% shade. It will still require 4 hours or more of sunlight per day in order to thrive.
Tags: arizona sod, grass, sod, sod in arizona, tifgrand